Donnie Darko
"holy shit. i just saw the movie...27 pages? it was disturbing..interesting. inquistive. confusing. liberating. comical....
>>By balloons!! "
Are you talking about the film?....... or the posts on this site?
>>By kurn-ell (Tuesday, 9 May 2006 01:04)
Are you talking about the film?....... or the posts on this site?
the movie silly!!!
>>By balloons!! (Thursday, 11 May 2006 22:45)
I just joined you guys, and I thought I would share my first "Donnie-moment" with all of you.
A few years ago I went to the video rental store to rent 'Donnie Darko'. So as I got there I saw that it was out - unfortunately. I went up to the counter and asked the guy working there if they by any chance had another copy that they could rent me. This is what he said to me: "No, we don't. But it's a piece of shit anyway. It's a good thing it's not here. What a waste of time." So for months I actually believed this dude. Fortunately, one night - on a whim - I finally hired it. I havent been sorry ever since...
That experience just illustrates to me how different people's tastes are. I mean, the idiot at the video store probably didnt get the movie and decided to advocate to the world that this movie is crap (giving in to his own ignorance, I guess.) And I want to avoid sounding superior because I "got" the movie (well, sort of. Who REALLY does??!!) it just proves that different people like different styles of movies, and thats cool. Thats why some movies become cult classics and others not, right?
As I said - im a virgin to this discussion - I have read some of the previous discussions, and it is really interesting, but I have a question. It might have been discussed earlier, but I dont have the energy to go back and read EVERYTHING! Call me lazy... but here it goes: What role did the English teacher (Drew Barrymore) really play in the movie? What was her purpose?
>>By Honey Bunny (Friday, 16 Jun 2006 11:24)
ILast post was June '06! So quiet here! It seems the significance of the countdown time may have been missed. The time given was 28:6:42:12. That is pretty specific since the seconds taken just to give the time would make the statement inaccurate. So I thought that perhaps it was based in numeralogy: 8-2=6, 6=6, 4+2=6, therefore "666" , the mark of the devil, or in the context of the movie that would be the universe veering from God's pre-ordained course and careening into a black hole in short order. The twelve seconds? 1+2=3, the trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The whole series, 28:6:42:12. yields a balanced equation. Am I overthinking this? All numeralogy seems to follow this course - finiding significance in random numbers. But in this case the numbers were not random, but chosen by the writer.
>>By neworion (Sunday, 20 Jan 2008 19:26)
in the scene where donnie and his 2 freinds first enter the school; if you look at seth rogan's locker there is a sticker on it that says "What would Satan do"
>>By TheCureFan (Wednesday, 2 Apr 2008 23:25)
Hi there. Just joined this site, it took me to the list of movies recently discussed, and was both surprised and pleased to see Donnie Darko on it! Also the number of posts is amazing. I haven't read through all the posts and probably won't, but it's one of my favourite movies, i have to say.
>>By littlebrownie (Tuesday, 15 Apr 2008 18:01)
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