Donnie Darko
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>>By Alora (Sunday, 22 Jun 2003 05:24)
oooooo ok i must have forgotten that... it has been about 12 hours since i watched it last haha. anyway its good to know its not dead. thanks for the song and one last question... why in the movie theater does frank seemingly nod his head after saying "why do you wear that stupid man suit"... it seems to have to have some signifigance if they put it in but i can't quite seem to figure out what it means.
>>By cellar door (Sunday, 22 Jun 2003 18:00)
Loved it...own it...highly recommending it.
BUT: Did the pedophile get to go on pedophiling, and marketing his crap, unpunished? I guess one could argue that his crying in the end indicates repenting, but "gettin' religion" doesn't seem to be very effective with those types in the real world. (i.e. certain priests in the news)
Also, was there ever any real reason for Frank to have Donnie flood the school?
>>By rickygee (Sunday, 22 Jun 2003 20:37)
im pretty sure the reason that frank had donnie flood the school was so that gretchen and donnie could meet (donnie: im glad the school was flooded today. gretchen: why. donnie: because if it hadn't we would have never had this conversation) something to that extent. and that ended up in them going out. which is what i think the purpose of the school getting flooded... like frank wanted him to experience things before he knew he had to die....with gretchen he got to experience sex and stuff and being in love well i duno about love but you get my point.. i dont know if that makes any sense at all... oh well. and the whole point of this movie is to let you form your own opinion... they never tell you in the end whether cunningham gives up his kiddie porn thing... but the crying kind of gives you some idea. so basically you get to decide what you think happens next. :)
>>By cellar door (Monday, 23 Jun 2003 01:40)
I've read quite a few opinions / thoughts but mostly from earlier pages. About Roberta Sparrow waiting for Donnie's letter... I think she's just a senile old lady. She's not some psychic who knew the teacher was going to give her book to Donnie and so on... "By I don't have a name"... you're absolutely right... The Last Temptation of Christ. Right on! This seems to be a question that alot of people were wondering... why Donnie laughes at the end? Remeber at the beginning when he called his mom a bitch (after she left his room)? Well at the end of the movie, time went back on its self, he had just called her a bitch, then the engine fell onto him because he had made his choice. No Frank this time.
>>By Gen (Monday, 23 Jun 2003 07:22)
Ok guys I have to really say a few things which might get to some of you. What is this whole debate about god saving the universe and all. I don't see this anywhere. I think a lot of people are mixing their own personal faith with a brilliant movie portraying a character who dosn't really have faith in God. It wasn't god that caused the plane engine to land on Donnie, it was a wormhole! Remember the whole conversation he had with his teacher, if the worm whole is there and you have your travel medium ie a spaceship then time travel is possible. The engine hit the worm whole while the rest of the plane crashed in the tangent universe. It was just a lousy day for donnie. AHHHHHHHHHHH THIS FILM MESSES WITH MY HEAD! And the chinese girl wore the ear muffs because she was been brainwashed with therapy. Remember when donnie wears them home he can hear a women talking about miscommunication in the family and all. The chinese girl was undergoing therapudic audio lessons. Well those are my little beliefs anyway. And in a strange way a romantic could always say that the realisation of dying alone wasn't too bad for donnie when he drove his love to the top of the hill and realised while watching the plane hit turbulence, that his death would save her. Thats the sacrifice.
>>By Barron Hearted Wanderer (Monday, 23 Jun 2003 22:17)
This movie is quite simply amazing, there are no words to quite describe this movie, I rented it tonight, I just got home from running out and buying it just a few minutes after the movie finished. This movie have to watch this movie, I personally can not see someone not loving this movie, it's so unique, and it's message is really touching, this movie almost moved me to tears at the end and no movie has ever done that before, very few things can actually do that. Just the way everything gets tied together at the end, how his life caused so much suffering and he accepts death at the end, he accepts that he will lose all of these life experiences to save the life of the one person who truely loved, he really is a noble person, this movie was breathtaking, please, watch it.
>>By Chris_Blackice (Monday, 23 Jun 2003 23:06)
Wow, you all really bewilder me... I swear... I think I've got a handle on the movie and then I read your opinions and it takes my theories and spins them a complete 360 degrees until I'm left with confusion again... lordy!!
>>By darks_fear (Tuesday, 24 Jun 2003 00:33)
"and as for frank honking so that donnie will wake up and get out of bed again... i seriously doubt that b/c frank knew what would happen if donnie doesn't die... therefore he wouldn't want him to wake up."
- If you watch the film with the director's commentary, he mentions about the horn being beeped at the end.
>>By Dolly Dagger (Tuesday, 24 Jun 2003 16:19)
I'm seriously confused with the Donnie Darko website. It says her name was that of a bird so i type in Roberta Sparrow, right? But it doesn't work can anybody help me? I feel completely stupid!! This film requires so much thinking and post mortems, but it's the type of film that u think about for days, maybe weeks, after.
>>By Demented and confused (Wednesday, 25 Jun 2003 01:42)
Great movie!
>>By magneto (Wednesday, 25 Jun 2003 04:23)
6-24-03 Demented, just try sparrow. ciao
>>By magneto (Wednesday, 25 Jun 2003 04:25)
Yeah... it's just sparrow man
>>By darks_fear (Wednesday, 25 Jun 2003 06:53)
Wow i'm suprised to see an entry from yesterday considering when this movie came out. I stayed up till 3 last night trying to figure this movie out after watching it for the first time (i always find out about these great movies long after they came out, same thing happend with fight club). It is very thought provoking and it made me go into theories of death. It is an exelent idea but unforunatly one has to reserch it online to discover the true meaning. I mean who would walk away from that movie for the first time and correctly assume all the theories of dimentions from Sparrow's book. They never talk about that in the movie but I guesse its a good thing because it is an erie mystery and most people would be turned off to the movie if they started talking about alternate dimentions. This movie was a huge relife to me since every other movie i've seen in a wile has been awfull. So now my favorite movie list is as follows: 1-Fight Club 2-Donnie Darko 3-The Matrix (6-25-03)
>>By Yawgm8th <--IM (Wednesday, 25 Jun 2003 19:11)
First i have to say this film is my favourite of all time, its just so beautiful and complex and has great dialogue. But for me the ending just doesn't add up. I think the director had intended to do a end of the world style ending but then got cold feet and decided to think of something else. There is no logical explanation as to why everything went back in time, only the jet engine went through the worm hole not Donnie or anyone else, thus the only thing travelling through time would be the jet engine. Creating 2 alternate universe's, one in which Donnie is alive but Gretchen, Frank, his Mum and Sister are dead, and the jet engines alternate universe where Donnie is still on the golf course.
Anyway thats just what i think, still my fave film of all time though.
>>By Time Traveller (Thursday, 26 Jun 2003 19:18)
Ok, i think it is pretty much accepted that the rift in the universe occurred in the 4th dimension, and that's what created the tangent universe. How or why, or is it by chance the rift was created really is up to you. So Frank is just chosen to be the supernatural being, or angel, to come and save donnie's life so he can fix the rift since he is the living receiver. I also think that the guy in the bunny suit and Frank, his sister's boyfriend, are 2 different people. In the movie theater, the guy in the bunny suit says that Frank was the name of his dad and grandfather, so it's like he is living a legacy. The reason that it is Frank's, his sister's bf, face on the guy in the suit is becuase he is just showing him the future since he already knows what is going to happen. That is also the final action that leads up to him saving the world is shooting Frank. His showing him his destiny, just like he did with the wormholes out of his chest. Donnie did use his powers to get the engine back through the rift. The engine in fact is the same jet engine. On the website, it talks about how the engine that fell on his house, matches a jet engine that was on route to Honolulu. This is because the plain from honolulu was in the future and it must have flown through a time portal and lost its engine. That engine in turn comes through time landing on donnie's house. But that was the same exact plane his mom was on since the lost engine came from the future.
>>By TimandDrew (Thursday, 26 Jun 2003 22:12)
my lord this is a movie to rember, i just recently saw it for the fith time and it still gets to me. Jake makes donnie seem so real, i think this is his greatest work. there is so much to say about this movie that the words cant come out. if anyone has any questions please dont hesitate to ask, i know a good amount about thism movie so my answers will be accurate, thank you Richard Kelly.
>>By Dark, Darkest, Darko (Friday, 27 Jun 2003 05:03)
Hey I think the most interesting part of this movie is the fact that:
1) Lady Death writes a book on "the philosophy of time travel" 2) Gretchen shows up in his classroom as a new student just after the incident that will kill him (and their car almost hits here) but he's living on borrowed time. 3) Gretchen is talks twice about how it would be great to edit your life and replace all the parts that you didn't like with something else (like a photograph).
To me the puppet master in the movie is obviously Lady Death (the only person controlling time not just speculating about it and being influenced by it). I think shefs the same person as Gretchen and shefs going back to fill her memories with Donny Darko who is caught up in her web.
Whatfs interesting to me about a movie people have the potential to move through time (which is shown visually with all the chest tubes) is that the characters can overlap. Even if Ifm wrong it would be a much better story if Gretchen and Lady Death were linked.
Going against that theory is: 1) The photograph of young lady death (shown twice) looks more like Darkofs mom than Gretchen. 2) Lady Death walks by the body of dead Gretchen.
To me this doesnft prove the theory wrong, it could mean therefs a more complex intertwined relationship between the chracters overlapping. Anyways if the director didnft intend it thatfs a shame because that would be an incredible layer beyond the story.
>>By misner (Friday, 27 Jun 2003 08:54)
I'm leaning now towards the theory someone mentioned a while back. I think everything from the time that Frank first wakes Donnie up until he dies at the end is all in Donnie's head. He's replacing all the misery in his own life with a reality that he creates for himself. That's why everything fits together so well and works out for him.
>>By Alora (Monday, 30 Jun 2003 03:01)
Well TimandDrew I'm just about with you on that one... except the whole Frank thing...
In the philosophy of time travel... they talk about the "manipulated dead"... who is more powerful than the living reciever. If a person dies in the tangent dimension, they are able to contact the living reciever through the fourth dimensional construct... Which means... that although Frank is alive in the tangent universe... as the sisters boyfriend... Dead Frank can flow through tangent timeline as well...
>>By darks_fear (Monday, 30 Jun 2003 19:48)
just wanted to see if anyone else thought it was signifigant that the whole time they only show roberta sparrow in the middle of the road walking back and forth from the mail box... and then after frank runs over gretchen and donnie shoots frank and everyone else runs off they show roberta sparrow walking back to her house?
>>By cellar door (Tuesday, 1 Jul 2003 22:38)
personally, i LOVED this movie, i have yet to see the dvd version, with the director's input and the deleted scenes... but i have figured out SO much... and reading through all the theories are awesome. it really helped me to understand alot. i have to agree with donnie representing jesus... i thought it was ironic that he called "jim cunningham" the anti-christ. but i was thinking.. if frank was the messanger of god, then he would be an angel... but he could be the angel of death (dogman, anyone?) and so then it would make sense for all the "evil" things that were going on. but i love the movie and have watched it numerous times... it's really a great piece of work. it's amazing how u can think about things in life, and then no matter what, one can always think about donnie darko... it's like what everyone wonders about. amazing.
also, i think that he was laughing at the end becasue he knows that he wont be alone. like when dr. thurman says, if the sky opens up, then only he and frank will be left there. and he doesnt want to be alone, which is another motivation to manipulate events so that the 747 engine will be in the portal, no matter what. frank says that he can do whatever he wants, and so can donnie. so he does what he wants to do so that he makes sure that his "love", gretchen doesnt die in the primary universe and that he is not alone with frank. i love this movie.
>>By Jo Darko (Tuesday, 1 Jul 2003 23:16)
>>By jo darko (Tuesday, 1 Jul 2003 23:25)
The film was shot in 28 days.
>>By Levy (Saturday, 5 Jul 2003 02:33)
Donnie Darko had to be the thee most interesting and thoughtworthy film ever made. the writer total expresses the darker sides of life. and if you think about it he doesnt even leave reallity i mean there are actually people out there who probably see demonic bunnys! haha but really this is my favorite movie and i totally think it should be more "out there" i mean come on i had to hear about it from a friend! now a movie that good needs to be more to the public. okay if you loved the movie pleace email me...
>>By jascha (Saturday, 5 Jul 2003 10:51)
Firstly - you dudes out there in internet land who have shared you thoughts and thoeries on Donny Darko... I remove my cap. I cant think of a film that I have seen that tops it, I'm just bummed that I waited for it to come out on video. If anyone saw it in a theatre (as most of you probably did) can you tell me if the experience was markedly better?
I buying a DVD player specifically so that I can see the deleted seens and directors comments etc. Although I'm fairly underqualified to comment with just the one viewing - I am at this point inclined towards the dream theory reinforced by the reference to the Last Temptation of Christ and also by the song (not sure who it is but damn I'm going to buy the soundtrack) which goes something like "and the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had".
Dont know if anyone has already said this - I'm still churning through all the entries.
>>By Okrad (Sunday, 6 Jul 2003 07:08)
Hello all, I just viewed the movie and this movie def. got me thinking about things. That is what I like, not some stupid shallow movie about love or what have you. After watching Donnie Darko it sort of made me think of the sixth sense. In the sixth sense,it wasn't as deep however some aspects of the movie did require deeper thinking. Most of the important information and interpreting has been already said. However most of the movie can be remolded and fit to how you want it. For example, this movie showed you how every day things and what is known to be "true" may sometimes be the complete opposite. Just like the Fear-----LoveSpectrum. Another example was death, when ppl hear death they all tend to think bad things, in the beginning Donnie was thankful that he sleptwalk out of his room before the jet engine fell into his room. After he found out how much more he could figure out in death and how it could possibly be better, he decided to not "betray his fate". I could basically just re-state almost everything that has been said, however somethings about this movie still puzzle me. I understand how Donnie was the Living Reciever and all, but why him(I didn't have enough time to read all theories before posting this, so dont flame if i ask a question thats been answered)? In most supernatural movies they have reasons for why the protagonist is confronted with a certain problem for a reason. Like in the Ring the lady watched the video, and then had to deal with that girl. However you aren't told why donnie was picked, it started off with him seeing that demonic rabbit. Also, when the jet engine came through the other universe did that symbolize the connection between cause and effect in different universes?
I have a lot more questions/comments to make, however I do not know how activet his Discussion Board is so, if it is active i will start to post more statements.
>>By Johnny C (Monday, 7 Jul 2003 04:09)
Also, i was just thinking about Grandma Death, what was the reason why she kept checking her mailbox was it because she was expecting a letter from Donnie, however in a different universe or was it because of what happened and Frank's actions
>>By Johnny C (Monday, 7 Jul 2003 04:28)
Roberta Sparrow was checking her mail not because she was expecting a letter from Donnie, because the letter Donnie wrote her was completely irrelevant, but there were also a lot of other things in he movie that seemed to have no relevance, but were necessary to the plot such as Barrymore's character writing 'cellar door' on the chalkboard, it was just something that, if it had not been done then the plot of the movie would not have worked. Roberta Sparrow is constantly checking her mail so that when Frank is driving in the end he has to swerve off the road so he didn't hit her, which caused him to run over Gretchen.
This also goes along with the question that's been on everyone's mind. If Donnie goes through all this because he avoided his destiny and was supposed to die, which supposably is what caused the glitch in the space/time continuum, but frank was the one who caused him to leave his room, and not be killed in the first place. If none of this took place, there would be no movie.
You are all looking way too far into this, Donnie was a character chosen by a director to be in a movie, this is not real life, there is no reason to ask, "Why was Donnie chosen as a 'Living Reciever'?" the real reason is that Donnie was chosen by the director to be the main character of the movie, and the job description just so happened to entail him as being the 'Living Reciever'.
>>By maladroit (Monday, 7 Jul 2003 05:33)
Hello. I've no idea if this board is still active cos there are no dates on the messages, but I'll take a chance anyway. I loved this movie; it instantly shot up to my top 5 list. I managed to find it at KMart for 9 dollars a few days ago. What luck!
Anyway, here's a question: How could Frank have been honking at Donnie at the end of the movie AND wake up with all of the other characters at the same time? These two events happen pretty much simotaneously.
Also, I found a misc. blooper. When they're talking about the "Fear & Love spectrum", one of the ladies goes up to the head of the class, reads her bit, and then marks an "X" next to fear. In the next scene, Donnie is called up to the head of the class, but the X is now missing.
>>By Mandelbrotjulia (Monday, 7 Jul 2003 06:28)
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