Donnie Darko
Pages: 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ... 28 hey i have a question.. some people are talking about how they read about the theory of time travel on the website. but when i go to the website in level one, you kno how after the box comes up and says "you found me, remember the word?" and then u type in the word. Then it says u can continue, or u can read the time travel thing? well i exed out the box to read the time travel thing, and i clicked on the little red signs, but nothing comes up.. it just says the title of the page, such as philosophy,forward.. etc. confused!? do any of you know what im talking about?
>>By fantasea0202 (Tuesday, 8 Jul 2003 01:19)
you must move over to where the book apears and keep your mouse on it and you will see the page, if that doesnt work it may not have loaded right
>>By phantomcapone (Tuesday, 8 Jul 2003 05:40)
a book was supposed to appear? i didnt see a book.. :-/ rrr i want to read all of that stuff about the tangent universe and about the reciever and the manipulated dead. could someone copy and paste it to me or something? haha
hey.. i noticed that the name of the movie theatre is aero, which is a prefix meaning air or atmosphere. i just thought that was interesting if yall havn't noticed it.
anywho. tell me what you think!!
>>By fantasea (Tuesday, 8 Jul 2003 07:36)
wtf ! ive now seen this 6 times and im still confuzzled. i understand everything and yet i cant process the ideas and principles! arrrgh!!!
>>By me (Tuesday, 8 Jul 2003 21:49)
It just hit me. Time Travel will never happen, my theory is this:
If time travel were possible, shouldn't we already know? If it were possible, wouldn't people have come back from the future to tell us about it? I pondered on this for quite sometime now. Hopefully I will know the real answer. Does anyone think it is possible?
>>By Hitman (Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 02:57)
Mandel...I think that's a very juvenile way to look at this movie and any other one. if that's true then what's the point of making a movie? the point is that someone is trying to get their ideas across. therefore things just don't occur in a movie cause they just decided to put it in to keep the plot going.
>>By Alora (Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 03:58)
Yes, Hitman, I've thought about that and agree with you. Not only that, but here's a scenario that I came up with: Let's say that I time travel to yesterday to right in front of the vending machine at my work at 5:23 and 16 seconds. However, what if there was another co-worker standing there at that exact moment? What would happen? Wouldn't our molecules merge or something? Whatever would happen, I'm sure it wouldn't be pretty. So no, I don't thoink time travel is possible.
>>By Mandelbrotjulia (Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 08:42)
i hadn't thought of that... that if time travel was possible why hasn't someone from the future told us. good thinking! haha.
So I think that Frank was able to contact Donnie because he was the manipulated dead... but why, in the first place, would he pull donnie out of bed and start this whole story? Do you think that it was to show donnie why he was going to die, or to allow him to experience more things in his life before he did die? it's a big circle.. why do yall think frank got donnie out of bed in the first place? maybe im missing something really obvious... let me kno :-p
>>By fantasea (Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 09:57)
I thought he pulled him out of bed to bring back the artifact from the tangent universe.
>>By Mandelbrotjulia (Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 19:06)
hm... explain more mandelbrotjulia... what do u mean?
>>By fantasea (Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 19:48)
Well the "artifact" is the jet engine. It's appearance in the tangeant universe caused chaos to happen that would ultimately end the world. So it was Donnie's job to build the time machine and bring it back to October 2nd in the primary universe. At least, I think that's how it goes.
>>By Mandelbrotjulia (Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 21:52)
hmm.. i was thinkin that the reason it became a tangent universe was that donnie wasn't killed the first time around because frank got him out of bed.. and if donnie was supposed to be killed and he didnt, then this goes against what was orriginally planed or writen out. so from taht point on it was a tangent universe. If frank hadn't of pulled donnie out of bed in the first place then the artifact would still have fallen in donnie's room and killed donnie like it was "supposed to"... right?
>>By fantasea (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 05:21)
well, if u look at it in the bigger view, u start to think, if frank didnt pull donnie out of his bed, then all the fallowing events wouldnt have happened. But, if they didnt happen, would the plane still have flown over their house causeing the "pod" to go through time? or would have it still happend but jsut with different people on the plane?
>>By dewby (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 05:36)
yeah i was just thinking about that. if you look at it that way, then if frank hadn't have gotten donnie up, would the engine have fallen in the first place? because what if donnie hadn't have gone through all that he was about to go through after frank got him up (setting cunningham's house on fire.. which led the sparkle motion teacher staying in town.. which led to his mom and sister to goin on that plane together). Then again, i guess the plane would be there regardless of who was on it. how did the engine fly through the vector thing to donnie's world in the first place? was there a glitch in the universes that allowed it to do that? or is it really all one continuous circle.. and donnie was the only one that could make the engine do that... make the "skies part".. i think i just restated what u said in the last post dewby lol im confusing my brain.
maybe the manipulated dead are forced to contact the living reciever in order to find peace within themselves.
>>By fantasea (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 05:49)
it sounds resonable, but im still a lil bit concerned about grandma death. she always kept cheaking her mail box over and over again, and she wrote the book on time travel. but in the end of the movie, donnie wrote a letter to her. but did she ever get that letter? what i'm thinking is, if donnie mailed it to her and when she went to go cheak her mail, thats when the whole time travel thing happend, and she was caught inbetween them. so when she went to go get that letter from donnie, she went back in time. how far, i'm not sure. but since she wasnt sure herself, she went to cheak the mail all the time cause she was waiting for the letter to follow her back in time.
does ne1 get what im saying.. help me out here.. how did she kno so much about time travel and why does she keep cheaking her mail?
>>By dewby (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 05:59)
maybe she was a reciever like donnie earlier in her life.. only she didn't die doing it. i kind of think that she was phycic or traveled in time a bit herself. i think that because she kept looking in her mailbox.. like she was expecting a letter. so maybe she saw into the future that a letter was coming, but maybe she didnt know exactly when. what you're saying makes sense tho. about her kinda being caught inbetween the times. r u saying that maybe she checked her mailbox an got the letter at the same time that the engine came into the tangent universe and killed donnie?
>>By fantasea (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 06:05)
no.. not quite. im thinking since donnie wrote the letter when he wasnt killed, then when the engine started into the portal is when she got the letter, so as the plane crashed she got it and thats when she was caught in a tangent universe herself. and thats when she was sent back in time. im starting to think taht she was sent back as far as to her teaching career. and when she changed over night is when she was transported back too. and then she started seeing the symptoms of time travel first hand.. and then she wrote the book. but that still leaves the other question... y was she cheaking her mail so much? was it that she was waiting for her letter from donnie. and more so, is that the reason she only spoke to donnie that one day saying "everything dies alone". b/c she knew he was sending the letter and was a "victom" of time travel too? so many questions, on jsut on small subject too. what a great movie.
>>By dewby (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 06:16)
maybe she saw from the future that he was going to die alone. i like what ur saying about how thats when she kinda "changed over night". i could see that. what do you think about the repeated trampoline images?
>>By fantasea (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 06:24)
"but in the end of the movie, donnie wrote a letter to her. but did she ever get that letter?"
Yes. If you look very, VERY closely (I didnt' even catch it the first time) there are two quick segments that show Grandma death holding the letter as Frank is dodging her.
>>By Mandelbrotjulia (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 08:41)
Time travel is possible but it can only occur to particals, not organised forms of life. But if one were to believe that intelligent life is time traveling in the future, mabey they knew that chaos would ensue if they went back to a time without time travel and therefor carfully avoid it. As to the prospect of appearing right on top of someone, i don't think that can happen. When a partical is moved to a diffent time it forces its other self out from that instance.
>>By Yawgm8th <--AIM (Friday, 11 Jul 2003 00:40)
why do yall think she died on Christmas?
>>By fantasea (Friday, 11 Jul 2003 07:20)
Hmm...particles time travelling...never thought about that. It's a very interesting concept, though. How could we know, though? One can't exactly ask a mothball if it's from the future.
>>By Mandelbrotjulia (Friday, 11 Jul 2003 08:09)
haha. hahahaha. hahahah. mothball. i found that very amusing. hah. but good question! i was wondering that myself. haha
>>By fantasea (Friday, 11 Jul 2003 15:32)
Well, there you have it... all of you have just put my brain on overdrive! Like I said before, I think I finally have all the answers and then *poof* someone comes on here with a most excellent post... and my theories go right through that same portal... damn...
>>By darks_fear (Friday, 11 Jul 2003 17:44)
Sat myself down to watch Donnie Darko, pre-warned that you had to watch it carefully or you wouldn’t get it.
I thought it was a beautiful movie, good visuals, fair music, excellent acting, interesting characters, disturbing demon, great leading man, but in the end I felt the film was too clever, too vague, relied too much on the viewer watching it more than once, or acting like a detective, or reading a web-site over and over, having a IQ of 200+, or a combination of those. I feel that like most time travel-ish stories that time travel is the cop out of a poor writer. My final feeling is I've rarely enjoyed a movie so much, and been so annoyed and disappointed by the ending. Reading a web-site explaining the film didn't remove my annoyance it only confirmed it. Lovely movie, shite story.
>>By diadochi (Saturday, 12 Jul 2003 00:15)
who exactly did you think was a demon, diadochi?
i have to dissagree with you.. i thot the story was excellent.. especially for those that want to take the time an try to figure it out.
>>By fantasea (Saturday, 12 Jul 2003 01:43)
You lazy mofo’s. If any of you had made ANY effort to go back and read previous posts you wouldn’t be asking questions that had been answered and debated numerous times. Instead of coming up with wacky totally unsubstantiated theories, try GOING TO THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE, WATCHING THE DVD, HAVING A BRAIN….
The Primary Universe is fraught with great peril. War, plague, famine and natural disaster are common. The Fourth Dimension of Time is a stable construct, though it is not impenetrable. Incidents when the fabric of the fourth dimension becomes corrupted are incredibly rare. If a Tangent Universe occurs, it will be highly unstable, sustaining itself for no longer than several weeks. Eventually it will collapse upon itself, forming a black hole within the Primary Universe capable of destroying all existence.
The Tangent Universe was created because of a rupture in the 4th dimension.The engine (Artifact) provided the first sign that a Tangent Universe had occurred.
The Tangent Universe was not created by Donnie waking up and moving when he was supposed to die. His actions had nothing to do with the creation of the Tangent Universe. Even though Donnie didn’t create it, he was chosen by divine power to fix it.
The book explains that Donnie is what is known as a Living Receiver which is chosen seemingly randomly. The Living Receiver is chosen to guide the Artifact into position for it's journey back to the Primary Universe. To enable him to achieve this Frank prevented him from being killed by the engine.
Donnie has special 4th Dimensional powers (Those of increased strength (remember the axe in the Mongrel's bronze head?), supposed Mind Control, telekinesis (moving things with the mind, which he uses to open the portal and send the engine back), and the power to conjure Fire and Water (The flooding and the burning of Jim Cunningham's house)). He uses these powers (some are very subtle in the movie) to ensure that he can position the Artifact in the proper place to send it back.
If a person dies within the Tangent Dimension, they are able to contact the Living Receiver through the Fourth Dimensional Construct. They are known as The Manipulated Dead and are more powerful than the Living Receiver. Frank (Yes, he is Elisabeth's boyfriend) and Gretchen are the Manipulated Dead.
The rest of the people around him are Manipulated Living. The manipulated living are often the close friends and neighbours of the Living Receiver. They are prone to irrational, bizarre, and often violent behavior. This is the unfortunate result of their task, which is to assist the living receiver in returning the artifact to the Primary Universe. Frank (appointed as a guide by an unknown entity) guides Donnie from his place in the Fourth Dimension
Frank and Gretchen (Frank's actions are much more noticable, Gretchen's are very subtle) are responsible for leading Donnie through the actions he needs to take in order to return the Artifact to the Primary Universe. Donnie’s failure to do this will allow the Tangent Universe to collapse upon itself, thus destroying the Primary Universe.
If you pay attention to the cause and effect of the movie, you'll see everything happens for a reason. Donnie's flooding of the school enables him to "meet" Gretchen and form a relationship with her. Donnie's burning of Jim Cunningham's house which exposes his child pornography, keeps Mrs. Farmer from chaperoning Sparkle Motion's trip. This means that Donnie’s mum must go in her place on the flight. This enables the kids to throw a party. Tangent Universe Frank (sisters boyfriend) goes to get beer and on his way back, he runs over Gretchen, causing Donnie to shoot him. At this point it becomes clear to Donnie the role he has played. The engine falls from his mothers plane into the wormhole. The Tangent Universe no longer exists as the artifact has been returned to the Primary Universe by Donnie.
Back in the Primary Universe, most of the Manipulated Living and Dead will not remember the journey, depending on their involvement with the Living Receiver. When those who do remember "awaken" from their "dream", they normally feel remorse for the actions they remember doing. You'll notice Frank touches his right eye because he remembers being shot. Frank, Gretchen, Donnie's Mother, Rose, and his therapist, Dr. Thurman are the closest to Donnie, and are therefore the ones who remember more. In the end, when Gretchen and Rose wave to each other, even though they have never met in the Primary Universe, it is because they have this odd memory of one another from the Tangent Universe
Unfortunately, the engine killing Primary Donnie was the side effect of Tangent Donnie saving the Primary Universe. When Tangent Donnie sent the engine back and killed Primary Donnie, it made it impossible for the Tangent universe to exist in the first place, and Primary Donnie knew it when the engine crushed him in the end. Primary Donnie knew the engine was coming as well, because they said that the closer you were to the Receiver, the more your Primary self would remember the Tangent universe. You have to assume that because Donnie was the receiver himself, that he would remember everything.
I believe that Roberta Sparrow had also been a living receiver in a Tangent universe in the past. Unlike Donnie it was her fate to live after her mission as a Living Receiver was complete. After this experience she left the church and wrote the book overnight(like Donnie before he was staked, she remembered all her experiences clearly).
The professor stopped talking to Donnie about time travel for more than just fear of being fired. There was more to that guy than meets the eye, as well as his wife. Donnie comes to talk about time travel to him and he just happens to have a copy of Roberta Sparrow's book in his bag?. Also, the website said that he worked for the CIA, AND he died in a 'mysterious' car accident some time after that. He was forcibly run off the road by a 'black vehicle' that was never found.
>>By Sausage Fingers (Saturday, 12 Jul 2003 06:32)
Wow, you're so cool! You must know EVERYTHING about the movie Donnie Darko! We must all repent of our "wacky" discussions and never debate the theories of this movie ever again because it annoys Sausage Fingers, allmighty Donnie Darko Guru! Amen!
>>By Sausage Fingers Worshiper (Saturday, 12 Jul 2003 06:56)
Dunno how old this forum is so I dont know if I'm talking to myself, but was the fact that Donnie didn't die the cause of the break in the Tangential Universe, or was the rift going to happen anyway, and Donnie was "choosen" to heal it?
>>By The Cutest Boy In The Class (Saturday, 12 Jul 2003 22:28)
Cutest Boy,
2 posts above it clearly outlines this point. But in case you have trouble working the scroll bar on a web page i have included the relevent section for your benefit.
The Tangent Universe was created because of a rupture in the 4th dimension.The engine (Artifact) provided the first sign that a Tangent Universe had occurred. The Tangent Universe was not created by Donnie waking up and moving when he was supposed to die. His actions had nothing to do with the creation of the Tangent Universe. Even though Donnie didn’t create it, he was chosen by a divine power to fix it.
>>By Sausage Fingers (Saturday, 12 Jul 2003 23:45)
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