Donnie Darko
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 28 Loved the movie. It is still in my thoughts.
>>By Naevius (Monday, 11 Nov 2002 22:08)
is frank the boyfriend of donny's sis?
>>By lady (Wednesday, 20 Nov 2002 18:40)
the soundtrack is awesome too
>>By Burt Reynolds (Saturday, 23 Nov 2002 04:01)
This movie changed my mind. It was incredible. The insane paradox that it creates is worth the frustration in trying to solve it. Richard Kelly Rocks
>>By Ross (Friday, 29 Nov 2002 02:50)
Hey I love the movie! I have seen it 7 times and still catch things every time. P.S. if you wanna know the answer about frank being the boyfreind, watch the deleted seems of the dvd movie. Everyone who knows of this movie is awsome in my book.
>>By Tuesday (Friday, 29 Nov 2002 07:14)
Just got out of the screening, first time .... great but can somebody explain the film from huuummmm.... around ..just after the opening credits..???
>>By Donna (Sunday, 1 Dec 2002 01:54)
i havent seen it yet because i dont know where to see it in newcastle nsw oz, if anyone knows where its on, even in sydney, i'll go there for megan spencers top movie for 2002, i trust her whole heartedly hehe, email me if you know plllllleeeeeeaassse im dying to see this movie.
thanx kids :P
>>By asha (Monday, 2 Dec 2002 02:00)
Nuts, Nuts Nuts, crazy and insane. I loved it, and there are very low levels of suckitude in this film. I laughed and got a mean case of the hee-bee-gee-bees. It's without a dout my second favorite film ever (considering I never decided on a first).
>>By Pablo (Tuesday, 3 Dec 2002 00:56)
I just watched the movie for the first time.......reminded my of 'Harvey' with Jimmy Stewart.........except it was dark, cellar door dark.
>>By joe average (Tuesday, 3 Dec 2002 20:10)
This movie was great. it took so many routes and so many twists that who ever watched it, came out with a theory
>>By that one guy who no one knows (Wednesday, 4 Dec 2002 23:51)
Perfection In The Purest Form....
>>By My name is Atrocity (Thursday, 5 Dec 2002 07:38)
can aNyone explain it yet? about the paralell universes, time travell, fate etc.
>>By mobert (Thursday, 5 Dec 2002 23:15)
is donnie darko dead? Not in my dreams.
>>By missile anus (Friday, 6 Dec 2002 05:08)
adam joyce what did you think?
>>By S&P (Friday, 6 Dec 2002 05:10)
This movie is SO trippy. Frank the Rabbit is scary!
>>By Sarah (Friday, 6 Dec 2002 16:41)
You definatly cant find a better movie... It really makes u think, i've watched it twice and still relating things to other concepts.. This movie does not leave ur mind.. I absolutly loved it!
>>By Lola (Sunday, 8 Dec 2002 04:26)
I've watched it about 4 time and spent about 5 hours last night with mates going over and over it. We just cant figure it out. Ok so the first time when the engine hits its October the 2nd and he isn't in the room....and the engine is from the future hence they cant find out where it came from (and his mum was on the "red eye"). But the sencond time it hits and he is in his room it is still October the 2nd. So he lived through the 28 days 6 hours 42 mins and 12 seconds (I think thats right?) then we go back in time to the start of this time frame and he is in his bed this time does that work.....arrrrgghhhhh what a mind f**k
>>By cat007 (Sunday, 8 Dec 2002 07:20)
this movie made me want to move into the movie theatre and never leave so long as the film and their lives continued. donnie is mmm mmm mm to the max. who needs words. who ever hasnt seen this movie and likes movies that are actually quality should RUN TO THE THEATRES.
>>By peph (Sunday, 8 Dec 2002 14:47)
I have caused a conumdrum and met myself walking on the street? I have no recollection...
>>By Decky (Monday, 9 Dec 2002 01:20)
I just loved the movie... actually, i was left speechless. The bunny rabbit was creepy, but everything makes sense in the end. my mail is those who liked the movie write to me
>>By Lain (Monday, 9 Dec 2002 22:02)
This movie is absolutely like no other movie i have EVER seen before, it completely baffles you in the end, but it also leaves you satisfied all at the same time. This movie is a must for anyone with a dark humor side (plus Jake is completely hot with his sinister mix of humor but always bowing down and looking the camera in the eye)
>>By Evilone (Tuesday, 10 Dec 2002 02:29)
I don't know why people are so confused, this movie makes perfect sense if you would seriously just pay attention. Everyone is important to the plot, and if you are really good you can pick up on most things the first time through. The end explains pretty much the entire movie, but you have to have paid close attention to the smaller details of the characters throughout the movie to catch the clues at the end. You can't just sit back and watch the story, you have to break it up and solve it like a puzzle. I was picking up on things way before they even happened. It was an extremely well made story, and it is especially impressive that it's a first attempt. Kudos.
>>By Jake (Tuesday, 10 Dec 2002 12:48)
Confused!!!!! u will be. This film left me amazed. when I left the cinema I was trying to work it out for hours and I'm still bemused!!!!!!!!! A cracking piece of contempary cinema. GO SEE IT!
>>By Smokie Chimp (Wednesday, 11 Dec 2002 19:45)
Wow incredible movie!!! the whole thing was amazing. I'm still confused about ummm well everything, and I love it!!!
>>By Gothik Prince (Tuesday, 17 Dec 2002 09:24)
I reckon the mother travelled back through the portal and she is the only person who doesn't grieve like the others after her son's death at the end.
I think the English and Science teachers also were involved in this whole time travel thing, since they knew things like Cellar Door that would only reveal itself later in the film.
>>By Adam (Tuesday, 17 Dec 2002 14:46)
Does anybody know what Donnie says to the burgalr while he pins him down?This scene is near the end of the movie and the burglar holds a knife to Donnie's throat while Gretchen lies directly in an oncoming car's path.I think I hear the word savior said but think I'm missing something.Any precise theories would be appreciated.
>>By Daniel Francis Fost (Thursday, 19 Dec 2002 06:05)
so I don't understand the end. How come Donnie is in his room on October 2nd at the end of the movie when he wasn't in his room on October 2nd at the beginning? cans omeone plzzzzz explain.
>>By Sam (Wednesday, 25 Dec 2002 15:18)
This is my view. Donnie, after seeing what will happen in the future, chooses to ignore Frank and not follow him out on October 2nd. This is to save his future girlfriend and, indirectly save his mother and sister who would not be on the plane in the future since the paedophile's house would not be burnt down so that lady would go with girls to dance but sister would not go cos of Donnie's death. Anyone else agree? Don't understand whole Haloween and Mrs. Death thing though.
>>By soph (Sunday, 29 Dec 2002 02:41)
the plot wasnt that complicated - time is constantly going around, like a clock, but the clock has an infinite number of hands, each hand tied to a certain dimension in which that hand's time is relevant. skipping from hand to hand is time travel, and that's done through a wormhole. wormholes seemed to form around donnie, and frank taught him how to use them. when he figures out that the world will end (gretchen dies, mom+sister die in plane crash) he fixes that through time travel---this is where the infinite number of clock hands analogy comes in. Now im not gonna lie to you i know nothing about time travel, but donnie takes the jet engine from the clock hand he's on (when his mom and sparkle motion are getting into the plane crash and frank has just run over gretchen) and takes the engine to the clockhand he was on during his first encounter with frank; thus killing donnie, which in turn saves gretchen and his family, because without him, the circumstances that led to their deaths would be nonexistent.
Great movie. Get the DVD and watch the deleted scenes, they change a lot
>>By RaeKwon (Sunday, 29 Dec 2002 06:56)
Ok, first of all, none of you have gotten it completely right. If you bother to go to the webpage and poke around, you will find out about the Living Receiver, the Manipulated Dead, Manipulated Living, etc... It's all in the book, "The Philosophy of Time Travel". Yes, they have made an awesome flash site that explains 95% of it if you watch the movie, go to the webpage, watch the movie again, and visit the webpage again. (Most of this explaination is from my knowledge of the book combined with the movie and previous discussions I've had, please feel free to add on or correct as needed. I do quote the book specifically several times without quotation marks.)
The book explains that Donnie is what is known as a Living Receiver, chosen seemingly randomly, and that he has special 4th Dimensional powers (Those of increased strength (remember the axe in the Mongrel's bronze head?), supposed Mind Control (I'm not sure), telekinesis (moving things with the mind, which he uses to open the portal and send the engine back), and the power to conjure Fire and Water (The flooding and the burning of Jim Cunningham's house)). He uses these powers (some are very subtle in the movie) to ensure that he can position the Artifact in the proper place to send it back.
Frank (Yes, he is Elisabeth's boyfriend, but that's irrelevant) and Gretchen turn out to be Manipulated Dead and have the most control over Donnie's actions. The rest of the people around him are Manipulated Living, and are more responsible for being barriers in his journey. Frank pretty much knows exactly what's going to happen, and since he's a Manipulated Dead, he's able to travel time to save Donnie's life so he can fix the paradox. The whole reason the engine fell in the first place was a "glitch" in the universe. This was caused by a Tangent Universe that was created. It is said in the book that Time is a stable construct, but is not impenetrable, and that incidents can occur that create Tangent Universes.
Frank and Gretchen (Frank's actions are much more noticable, Gretchen's are very subtle) are responsible for leading Donnie through the actions he needs to take in order to return the Artifact to the Primary Universe, therefore keeping the Tangent Universe from collapsing upon itself and becoming a black hole, which would completely destroy the Primary Universe. (Not so simple is it? Those of you who claim you understand the movie completely from beginning to end are full of it.) (BTW, the entire movie after October 2nd takes place in the Tangent Universe! So at the end, when it is October 2nd again, it is in the Primary Universe, and the engine that falls is the engine being returned to the Primary Universe.)
If you pay attention to the cause and effect of the movie, you'll see everything happens for a reason. Donnie's meeting of Gretchen, Donnie's flooding of the school so that he can "meet" Gretchen and to create a relationship between them. Donnie's burning of Jim Cunningham's house in order to expose his pornography, which keeps Mrs. Farmer from chaparoning Sparkle Motion's trip, which allows the kids to throw a party. When Frank goes to get beer, on his way back he runs over Gretchen, causing Donnie to kill him. Her death causes him to then realize everything and he sends the Artifact back.
In the end, when it shows the scenes of everyone awakened and weirded-out, there is also an explaination. The book describes that when they return from the Tangent Universe into the Primary Universe, most of the Manipulated Living and Dead will not remember the journey, depending on their involvement with the Living Receiver. When those who do remember "awaken" from their "dream", they normally feel remorse for the actions they remember doing. You'll notice Frank touches his right eye because he remembers being shot.
Frank, Gretchen, Donnie's Mother, Rose, and his therapist, Dr. Thurman (Is that correct?) are the closest to Donnie, and are therefore the ones who remember slightly more. In the end, when Gretchen and Rose wave to each other, even though they have never met in the Primary Universe, it is because they have this odd memory of one another from the Tangent Universe (The boy is waving because he's an idiot and doesn't know what's going on...)
About Cellar Door, the "Famous Linguist" is none other than Mr. Edgar Allan Poe. He was said to have believed that out of all the words in the English language, out of all the possible combinations of letters, that Cellar Door was the most beautiful. I read somewhere that one time he was entertaining guests and had a slip or hit his head or somehow entered a coma, and that when attempted to be awakened, he would only repeat the word "Cellar Door. When he finally was revived and the guests told him of this, he said, "That is odd. Of all the possible combinations, possible words, blah blah, Cellar door is the most beautiful." I just thought that was an interesting tidbit.
That's about all I can say right now, I might have missed some important things. If so, please feel free to add an addendum.
>>By Jamuraan (Monday, 30 Dec 2002 05:45)
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