Donnie Darko
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 28 For those of you who enjoyed DD (surely all of you) i would strongly advise you to check out a Soavi film called 'Cemetary Man' ('Dellamorte Dellamore'). It has a similar structure and is far darker. As for the laughter - its the last thing DD does and it stands as his final judgement on what he believes he has learned (like the laughter of the central character "Rex" in Sluizer's 'The Vanishing'). It is certainly not irrelevant.
>>By the curious orange (Monday, 10 Mar 2003 13:57)
i love all the thoeries and would like to view the website, but i cant i doing something wrong or missing something
>>By dazed and confused (Tuesday, 11 Mar 2003 10:48)
he laughs partly because his world is ending and he has so much to look forward to. i have final exams to look forward to. i hate the world. i hate you. i am not laughing.
>>By mckenzie (Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 06:57)
I've looked at most of the posts about donnie darko and i think i may have missed something. Why did gretchen wave to donnies mum near the end????? the answer is probably sumthing really simple but i just cant seem to figure out why she waves to her. PLEASE HELP!!!
>>By Ghost in the fog (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 02:23)
Go to the official website, read everything you can, espescially in level one, if you still don't get it come back and tell me.
hint: grechen is a manipulated dead, or is she?
>>By Subtillus (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 03:21)
A soundtrack question, if anyone knows the answer, please reply! I bought the DD soundtrack but missing from it is the haunting theme that plays in two places- when Donnie & Frank watch the Portal open during "Evil Dead" and when the ending credits play. What is that incredible piece of music & is it available on cd? I'll tape it from the dvd if i have to but i'd rather have a pre-recorded version. Thanks!
btw fantastic movie and i love reading everyone's opinions! The various theories on this film almost remind me of "Picnic At Hanging Rock" which was also open to various interpretations. Keep postin'!
>>By rogue (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 04:48)
i don't know what song that is exactly, but joy division's love will tear us apart and the killing moon by echo and the bunnymen are some of the hottest tracks right now in my mind. this movie has such a dope soundtrack.
>>By mckenzie (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 08:52)
>>By the curious orange (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 12:20)
good luck in the exams! i've just finished my last ones ever.
>>By the curious orange (Friday, 14 Mar 2003 12:34)
What Donnie Darko character are you?
geeze, I'm Gretchen. lol
btw i think the haunting theme i'm looking for is either "For Whom the Bell Tolls" or "Show Me", from reading the ending credits.
>>By rogue (Saturday, 15 Mar 2003 00:29)
I'm not sure if Frank is a messenger of God. (Donnie seems to fit a jesus-like role well). If God is pulling the strings and is capable of performing a "deus ex machina" conclusion to all those loose ends.
Why would He send Frank to help Donnie mend the rift (it seems like an overly complicated way to save the world), when surley in his infinite power of creation, he could fix the problem himself.
But then if God fixed the problem himself there wouldn't be much of a movie.
Hope you guys enjoyed DD as much as i did. PS - God didn't create the rift himself (only my opinion).
>>By "Remember everything, when only memories remain". (Saturday, 15 Mar 2003 15:49)
Haha, I took that test. I'm Donnie. :)
>>By Then (Saturday, 15 Mar 2003 16:47)
Frank isn't a messanger of God, he's a manipulated dead. go to the official website and read the philosophy of time travel by roberta sparrow.
The people who die in the tangential universe (at any point) have the most influence on the receiver's actions in repairing the rift.
God didn't create the rift, it just happens, also, (this is taking a presumptuous leap) god didn't repair the rift himself because he hasn't taken personal action since creation. He shuffled the cards, set the table and let everything fall as it would. but, that isn't to say he doesn't have vested interest in it and has set up ways for when things to go wrong, sort of steer them back.
This whole movie is an argument about free-will and determinism, it's just something to think about, and was never really answered.
>>By Subtillus (Sunday, 16 Mar 2003 01:39)
umm just a little question, ive read most posts but missed some tell me if its been answered. well u are saying that the whole movie donnie is leading events towards the plane flying over the rift, eg burns the house so his mum has to go on the plane that drops its engine.. well think about it the plane would fly over the rift anyway no matter if his mum was on it or not, thus why bother with anything if its going to happen, just lay in bed that night....
>>By Voltron (Sunday, 16 Mar 2003 14:21)
ahahah...I'm Donnie Darko...on that test....
>>By Kelvin (Sunday, 16 Mar 2003 22:59)
No, you're confused, pay attention.
Donnie isn't leading events, Frank and Gretchen are.
Donnie is the instrument of "moving" but the plane has nothing to do with it.
the plane is a moot point and the engine is an "artifact". This is a symbolic appearance made by a metal something or other which signifies a rift in the 4th dimension and the creation of a tangential universe. He then repairs the rift there by fixing the tangential universe to the primar so that they are one and the same and consequently, gets hit with a jet engine.
>>By Subtillus (Monday, 17 Mar 2003 01:04)
a little... this movie is way to confusing:> lol thanks
>>By Voltron (Monday, 17 Mar 2003 05:34)
I loved the movie, and am trying to figure more about it on the website..but keep getting stuck. How can I continue in level three after hearing the conversation about the airpplane engine's cereal number? Any help is appreciated.
>>By gah (Monday, 17 Mar 2003 22:37)
About the laughter: At the end of Graham Greene's The Destructors, a lorry driver can't stop laughing at the collapsed building. This provides a parallel to Donnie's laughter. However, the reasons for the laughter is likely different. The driver was laughing at the destruction of a beautiful building which he associated with the aristocracy in Britain. I leave the explanation of Donnie's laughter to you, I personally think it has a lot to do with him realizing that he's not dying alone.
by the way, it's serial, not cereal... :)
>>By Daulphin (Tuesday, 18 Mar 2003 00:07)
if he traveled back along the same "channel" but was able to keep his memories (along with the realisation that he's not dying alone) ... that poses a physical paradox: he has memories of something that not only hasnt happened yet but is now not going to happen ... argh). if he physically travelled back in time, there would be two donnies, one squashed in bed, the other asleep on the golf course. thats cool tho, 'bout the lorry driver .. *nods to Daulphin* i think this movie offers a lot in every respect: whether its the philisophical dilemnas of time travel or other cool but nerdy sci-fi detail, or the more applicable comments on the tradgedies that occur in the movie: barrymore losing her job (we are losing them to apathy, this prescribed nonsense - what a legend! i love her) and the chinese girl's gutsy performance being overshadowed by the catchy, glitzy, nearly paedophilic sparkle motion ("one day things will be better for you" this hurts her because it gives her hope, and to think that there's hope is to allow yourself to feel ... donnie jolts her out of her removed numbness (the earmuffs) and she is frightened off). i think donnie represents the right to work things out for yourself (rather than having it crammed down ur neck cunningham style). a similar thread is portrayed in the english and science teacher's teaching style: they suggest things for the kids to proccess themselves, not enforcing a right or wrong steadfast policy like that beatch of a gymn teacher. "did you consider that darkness might be an integral part of the childs development?" donnie is heading through his darkness (does he make his way through at the end? is he laughing out of a soothing acceptance of the world as it is? perhaps it is now happiness that he will die alone? ignoring the phyiscal impossibilities of his remembering etc.), his struggle against the school and a mad world, in an effort to work things out for himself. that this effort is complicated by illness/presience/alternate being/whatever, makes donnie darko a damn cool, but disguised, existential fable, rejecting the traditional views of good and evil (or fear and love as it were). donnie is a (super)hero because he insists on thinking for himself, removed from a prescribed moral standard. this might just be what i see in the movie coz its kinda what im going through so its what i look for, but i think its a credit to darko's amazingness that so many people can take so many different things from the one movie.
>>By t e c (Tuesday, 18 Mar 2003 02:32)
Props to byec on the interperetation of the chinese girl, i think that pegged just a little bit closer than what i thought.
>>By Subtillus (Tuesday, 18 Mar 2003 04:44)
the website is fucking retarded. if it's not in the movie, it's not in the movie. whoever told me to lay off Bush last time, blow me. this guy is going to get us all killed.
>>By mckenzie (Wednesday, 19 Mar 2003 01:35)
The website is designed to supplement the movie because you and others like you, don't have the capacity for abstract thought requisite to understand the mechanics and logistical (plot) nature of the movie (let alone the theme and existensial questions raised therein).
Learn how to use capital letters and next time vote for a smart candidiate. If you didn't vote for Bush, then maybe you could have contributed to his opponents campaign. If you didn't already know Bush was a twit, then you can still protest his actions using reason and "evidence" (quoatations, numbers etc...) as a way to enforce communication of your views to other people. You live in a republic, but you still have a voice, quit complaining on the internet and do something about it.
This is a forum for DD, not politics.
>>By Subtillus (Wednesday, 19 Mar 2003 02:44)
Please, I'm sorry to crowd the messages with questions about the website, but I am still unable to figure out how to end level three. I listen to the message about the airplane and the serial number. Then, the text writes, "time's up donnie" but.. from there, I have a blank screen and can't figure out what to do. I really want to learn more so I can help out with theories and such.. so if anyone could aid me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
>>By Wallaby (Wednesday, 19 Mar 2003 02:58)
Well done, Subtillus.
>>By Then (Wednesday, 19 Mar 2003 11:53)
I have the same problem, only, I'm pretty sure it isn't a problem; by which I mean that I think that's the end.
>>By Subtillus (Wednesday, 19 Mar 2003 17:12)
It is a true story about deja vu.
I hope, when the world ends, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because theres so much to look forward to.
>>By (Thursday, 20 Mar 2003 01:30)
That'd be some pretty extreme deja vu, skilla.
>>By Then (Thursday, 20 Mar 2003 11:54)
so whats all this about a movie called donnie darko?
>>By curious (Saturday, 22 Mar 2003 18:09)
As far as my understanding of the movie goes donnie gets pissed off about his local drug dealer stiffing him with placebo's so he goes on a rampage shooting people & burning i close?
>>By donnie who? (Saturday, 22 Mar 2003 18:16)
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