Donnie Darko
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 28 Alora, I thought about that too. He sacrificed himself selflessly so that the rest of the world could live.
Donkeypunch [horrible name by the way, cause I know what that means :) ], I think that was an esoteric statement. Donnie asks 'Why do you wear that bunny suit?' Frank responds with 'Why do you wear that man suit?'
I think Frank was saying that we all transcend our physical forms, and just have these physical bodies while on earth. Donnie was being guided by devine influence, and if you believe this kind of thing, when we die, we all shed our physical 'suits' and our spirit goes to heaven.
Inanna, scarry scarry stuff.
>>By Bishop (Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003 17:53)
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003 20:16)
Don't agree, Guy?
>>By Bishop (Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003 23:08)
no i agree...i just felt like saying sumting important... Let me tell u guys about my Donnie Darko Adventure....
I went to 8 stores looking to buy Donnie Darko.... 4 Blockbuster Videos, 2 Targets 1 Suncoast, 1 Wherhouse Music, 1 Frys
Blockbusters and Target didn't even have it on sale....the rest were sold out... I also called 5 other places....nuffin...i gotta wait till friday for suncoast to get another shipment...
WUTS UP WITH THIS!?!?! I'M MAD!!!!!!!! everyone wants to buy it but no one has it in stock...!?!?!BULL CRAP.......i'm mad......
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Thursday, 30 Jan 2003 07:48) momma learned me well....i guess that was 9 stores not 8
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Thursday, 30 Jan 2003 07:49)
questions...... what do you think Donny was laughing at in his sleep at the end? The whole existentialist joke---or what? Didi he die alone? why the hell couldn't his therapist really be there for him when things got scary--it still bothers me that she could hold the guy and comfort him when he is hypnotized but pulls away when he comes out of it is Patrick Swayze really the antichrist, I'm inclined to think so (LOL) does anyone know a secure site that sells the soundtrack? I am having trouble getting ahold of it----PS I think that Frank meant man suit like a costume too
>>By inanna (Thursday, 30 Jan 2003 09:55)
I thought that this was a fabulous movie. I feel that it was the struggle between good and evil. Evil being a cult like leader with a following who is trying to warp peoples minds into believing ridiculous prophecies. The good being our hero of the movie, who I think was unknowingly/innocently doing things to save people and the younger generation from the evil. He was a protector of the innocent, yet he to was an innocent and maybe that's why he perished. "God gave his only begotten son for our sins". Not that the hero was Christ, but a more broadly acceptable hero to all. I believe the movie was about good vs. evil, but that because it was more abstract and made people think, it made it more of a real situation. Let's face it, we have all been lured in by the enemy/evil and later kicked ourselves beause we didn't see it coming. You think you know evil by appearence, but that is often untrue.
>>By Agape' (Friday, 31 Jan 2003 05:32)
That IS a bummer, Guy.
Inanna, I'm not sure WHY Donnie was laughing at the end, and to be honest with you, it really kinda threw me outta the mood of the movie. Here all this bad stuff stuff has happened, the mood is dark, you see this ominous black wormhole and the engine drop into it, decent CGI as the engine falls through, all this music and sound, he's holding his GF....
...then with horrible sound and video edit, it snaps back to him laughing in his bed with absolutely no sound around him. There is no transition, no music bridges the scene, its just *thud* he's back and laughing. That really did ruin the mood, and I don't know why he was laughing.
>>By Bishop (Friday, 31 Jan 2003 07:57)
ummm...agape....did u watch the same movie we did???lol
as for donnie laffing....i think its cuz....well now that i thought about it i am not sure why.......i'll find soon as i can get my hands on the movie...soon my friends.....soon.... i am sure it was a good reason for him good as this movie was written...i dun think the screen writer would kill the mood like that fer no reason...maybe its to show that he was content till the time he died even if he DID know that he was gonna might have shown that he was happily WILLING to sacrifice himself for others....cuz remember...he knew it was comming...cuz he WAS the reciever....
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Friday, 31 Jan 2003 09:17)
i havn't seen the dvd version, so i'm not sure if it's explained there? but who was the real frank and what was his relationship to the other characters. also why did the psychiatrist wake up, appearing to know something had happened at the end
>>By polar_bear (Friday, 31 Jan 2003 13:46)
I think the whole thing at the end showing the various characters sleeping or waking was to show at what level they were aware of how something in their world had changed and their reaction to it or ability to deal with it--like they were aware of something different but not as fully as Donny is--that's why Patrick S is so emotional--he wants simple explanations for a very complex universe cause he is trying to avoid the part of himself that can operate a kiddie s&m dungeon, he is afraid to go through the cellar door cause what's on the other side is too scary for him--then we have the therapist waking up and maybe finally "getting it" just a little, the science teacher thinking about it in terms of what he knows and it seems like Drew's character was sleeping peacefully (did I remember that right?) ----so now we are back to Donny laughing at the whole thing---what do ya think?
>>By inanna (Friday, 31 Jan 2003 20:47)
I FINALLY GOT THE DVD!!! yay......
hey and i noticed on the said Donnie was visited by a DEMONIC RABBIT.....stupid movie people.....don't know wut da crap they are talking about.......i don't think Frank was demonic at all.....i would consider him a messenger of god...not demonic...stupid movie people....
As for frank laffing...refer to the end of my previous post....
>>By Some UnconfusedGuy (Friday, 31 Jan 2003 22:04)
What an amazing movie...didn't quite understand it at first, but it's starting to make a lot of sense now. The soundtrack kicks major ass too. I gotta buy this movie.
>>By SN: SuperZ3383 (Saturday, 1 Feb 2003 05:30)
Maybe Donnie is laughing because he knows the answer is so simple. He doesn't laugh the whole time, just for a few seconds and then he rolls over and smiles. He's like 'no duh' (1988, remember), laughs because after all the mind twisting conundrums, the solution to the problem is so simplistic its...well...laughable. He then rolls over smiling because he knows everything is going to be okay.
>>By Bishop (Saturday, 1 Feb 2003 09:41)
just to stir the pot :) Deus Ex Machina: literally, machine of the gods--- a person or thing that appears or is introduced unexpectedly and suddenly into a situation and provides an artificial or contrived solution to an apparently insolvable diffuculty---- in other words, the gods cheat :) PS---some unconfused guy---glad you got the DVD:)--help a girl find the soundtrack--puh---leeez :) Bishop, honey:) I hope it is all OK-- like those thoughts
>>By inanna (Saturday, 1 Feb 2003 10:27)
THANK you, Inanna! I've been looking all over for what Deus Ex Machina actually means. Now it makes sense that he said it!
>>By Bishop (Sunday, 2 Feb 2003 03:33)
uhhh.yo...yeah going back to the science professer...i think i know why he coulda lost his job if he continued the discussion....
I believe it was cuz he himself didn't believe in god...he was saying if u could see the future than u have the ability to choose what to do...this clearly shows that he didn't believe in destiny and god controlling if he had continued the convo he woulda said that there is no god and he woulda got fired because it was a religious school.....this is a theory...please responed...i am open to critisism and crude jokes :)
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Sunday, 2 Feb 2003 12:15)
maybe he was laughing because of the dinner discussion where his little sister said "Fuck ass"..... maybe?
>>By babaoharry (Sunday, 2 Feb 2003 19:56)
is this possible, he dreamt what would happen if he got out of bed, so he didnt.
>>By btucks (Monday, 3 Feb 2003 03:11)
Ok, its probly not possible. can someone explain to me about the old gramma going to her mailbox over and over, was it because she was waiting for donni's letter or what?
>>By btucks (Monday, 3 Feb 2003 03:13)
I think you are onto something, unconfused guy---there is definately a theme of God?/no God?/nature of God? going on---if "every living thing dies alone", that kinda sounds like there is no God, also we have a nun who is into physics and loses her job and status as a nun over what she learns. I also think that the teacher feels comfortable discussing time travel as an intellectual excercise but starts to get uncomfortable when he begins to realize that Donnie has had actual experiences----it would threaten his job (and who knows maybe threaten him personally a little too) because thinking a theory is true is one thing and living it is another--esp. something like time travel---no more simplistic answers--that's why that stupid Patrick Swayze cult is so popular; easy answers----like GWBjr. and the "evil doers"-----sorry, it ain't that simple (not to rip on George cause he is just a human trying to get it right like the rest of it but that evil doers thing bugs me)
>>By inanna (Monday, 3 Feb 2003 10:08)
RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!! Innana
-btucks Roberta Sparrow as a living reciever so she knows what to expect and i believe that she did know donnie was going to write the Letter. I believe she was a living reciever because she wrote the book on time travel so she obviously remember's it clearley.......
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Monday, 3 Feb 2003 20:42)
ok one more thing. if she wasnt waiting for his letter, frank wouldnt have dodged her to run over donnies girlfriend, and she wouldnt have died died, and donnie wouldnt have shot frank.
>>By btucks (Monday, 3 Feb 2003 22:38)
why do the two cop cars go to donnie's house (after he's left with gretchen)?
>>By j (Tuesday, 4 Feb 2003 01:56)
The cops go to his house because Frank's friend probably called them right? I'm sure he knew who Donnie was if his friend was dating Donnie's sister. So he knew where to send the cops.
>>By Alora (Tuesday, 4 Feb 2003 06:15)
kinda off track..but yeah..hmm..donnie darko is a superhero-ish figure..with super powers because after the school gets flooded..and gretchen and him are talking on her way home..she says something along the lines of "donnie darko, what the hell kind of name is that?..sounds like a superhero or something.." and then he says.."what makes you think i'm not?" my mind, that brings up the question; does he actually know that he is a chosen one (well, i can't remember their exact name..but you guys get the jist..)?
cheers, kim
ps. i hope that makes sense
>>By the motor ace crayon (Tuesday, 4 Feb 2003 13:13)
Near the end of the movie, when the black hole (?) appears and begins swirling around (kinda looks like a tornado) Can everybody see this or just donnie?
>>By Flamehead (Tuesday, 4 Feb 2003 22:07)
Everyone can see it, the cops pull over to gawk at it, his mom's plane hits turbulance and the engine falls into it. Going back a few posts; The bunny suit/man suit exchange was a sarcastic sort of remark, but Bishop has the meaning behind it. The laughing at the end coordinates with "and I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." Ace, you had my explanation, that's exactly what I thought of. And it's further explained with the poem he reads in the deleted scene. He knows he is chosen to "deliver the world from danger". Sparrow knew everything that was going to happen, which was why she'd just walk back and forth, back and forth, waiting for Donnie's letter. If it weren't for her, Gretchen wouldn't die, and Donnie wouldn't shoot Frank, and hence things wouldn't revert out of the rediculously screwed-up dimension they were in. Deus Ex Machina gives away that, yes, God is a reoccurring theme throughout the entire movie. Methinks our ingenius director is trying to make quite a few points about God. Note how frightening the bunny costume is, and we picture our God to be so angelic and sweet and inviting. If our Frank is a messenger of God, or even the role of God himself, why does he look so hideously scary? Just catching myself up. Keep on posting folks! ~SN: LilKatsyBug5
>>By Kate (Thursday, 6 Feb 2003 00:41)
correct me if i'm wrong, but nobody has mentioned the fact "The Last Temptation of Christ" was a part of the double feature Donnie went and saw at the movies. Rather odd choice for a halloween flick, wouldn't you say? Anyway, i haven't seen TLTOC, but my friend who has mentioned this - In last temptation of Christ apparently Jesus has a fantasy while being tempted by Satan. In this fantasy, Jesus gets to see what his life would have been like if he was not the Son of God and not been sacrificed to save humanity.... that sort of paralells Donnie's role a little
>>By i dont have a name (Thursday, 6 Feb 2003 05:09)
I have seen Last Temptation and I think you are onto something, "ain't got a name"---the other feature was Evil Dead--interesting, that one is about people messing with something beyond their understanding and opening up a whole shitload of problems aka another dimension---K, don't laugh but, Donny Darko-----dark matter, am I thinking too much into this? LOL---- I also keep thinking about that cute white bunny in Alice In Wonderland when I think of Frank---the whole spirit guide thing---Donny has to die but he has to die "aware" and maybe helping others to be aware as well
>>By inanna (Thursday, 6 Feb 2003 10:26)
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