Donnie Darko
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 28 oh yeah, forgot to mention-----Halloween, Samhain whatever--the day when the veil between this world or dimension and the next is supposed to be thinnest----just a thought
>>By inanna (Thursday, 6 Feb 2003 10:30)
This is such an excellent film. I am obsessed with it. I am so happy that there is finally a movie weird enough that not everyone can understand. The first time that I saw this, I only caught from where he flooded the school to the end...but I still understood it right off. Since then I have seen the movie about 5 times. I can't get sick of it. The soundtrack is equally amazing. I am so in love with this movie. Richard Kelly is a genius! I don't think there could have been a better cast. This film is so perfect in every way...even with its minor glitches.
>>By Jodi (Friday, 7 Feb 2003 00:49)
Hope someone can help me. I keep getting stuck on Level 3 of the web site, after it says "times up donnie", it was moving along fine till then. Does anyone have any pointers. I'm sure I'm missing parts of the site.
>>By mahalia (Friday, 7 Feb 2003 08:52)
thats the end of the site, as ytou might have noticed, the menu only incudes 3 stages - that was the third stage, so where the other two stages linked back to the menu, the last stage did not link anywhere because there was no need
>>By mm (Saturday, 8 Feb 2003 01:22)
Donnie Darko is a fantastic movie, and I enjoy reading all the theories you folks are coming up with, though I won't go into my beliefs.
>>By and by (Saturday, 8 Feb 2003 02:28)
I was surprised no one has mentioned anything about the chinese girl. She is apears a lot through out the movie. What is her whole part in the plot? Also why does she run away from donnie and tells him to shut up in the end when he talks to her? Then why does he wear her earmuffs?
>>By Morgan (Saturday, 8 Feb 2003 06:52)
I'm confused.....why did frank try to save Donnie? If frank didn't save donnie, then he woulnd't get shot, right? and this whole 4th dimension thing has got me really confused.....
>>By trying really hard (Saturday, 8 Feb 2003 09:09)
Cherita's happy at the end, too. I think there's a lot more to her than people think.
She runs away from Donnie at the end because she has a crush on him, and she's just shy. Remember the "Donnie Darko" written on the back of her book after he talks to her. I think he wears the earmuffs because he's just strange like that.
>>By Then (Saturday, 8 Feb 2003 19:43)
yeah, Cherita runs away cause she has a crush on Donnie, he really sees how things are for her-- she says shut up just as a defense mechanism. Frank is Donnie's guide, I think. Donnie has to die but along with fixing things between the dimensions, I also think his becomming more aware of the nature of things is important too. And, he increases the awareness of the others to a certain extent. I think he changes their perception of reality and that kinda fits with the idea of destruction leading to creation. I thought it was interesting that the audience at the school didn't get Cherita's Autumn Angel but were totally into a bunch of little kids shakin' their booties to Notorious. Don't be a tease, By and By:) tell us what you think
>>By inanna (Saturday, 8 Feb 2003 22:20)
I felt that there was more to the ear muffs that that. She was wearing them the whole time which made no sense to me. I was thinking maybe something about her not being corrupted by the crap that was around her...or maybe i've taken a leap too far.
>>By Alora (Saturday, 8 Feb 2003 22:31)
Here i come to straighten out some stuff ehehehe......j/k i just state my opinion....
1) The earmuffs symbolize being alone. Cherita was ALWAYS one EVERY talked to her in the movie instead of Donnie...she was very misunderstood by Donnie no one cared about her really..... as soon as Donnie talked to her and said "Someday everything will be alright for u" (i believe those were his words) she left her earmuffs running, believe this means that in the end...she will not be alone....however, Donnie was going to be alone in the end...he was going to die alone....that is why HE then put on the earmuffs ahahah...just a thought...
2) Frank saved donnie because GoD told him I believe.... I think god did this all to teach them a lesson. Sure Donnie shot him in the head....but u have to the end...he saved the world....
3) The fourth dimension is made of water and time...When someone dies in the Tangent Universe (the universe that wasn't supposed ot happen) they can use the fourth demension to try to save themselves. The fourth dimension time has nuffin to do with the time in the real worldS.
4) By and By... if you post.....please share your opinion...we would all like to hear them please..... they won't laff.....and i'll try not too...ahahaha j/k
please place your comments below...if anyone is just reading...please feel free to post sumting....
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Sunday, 9 Feb 2003 10:42)
I think I've got everything figured out, except one thing. What exactly did he DO to save the tangent universe? Did he close the portal or send back something, or what? What exactly was it that saved the world?
>>By Then (Sunday, 9 Feb 2003 21:04)
He used his fourth dimensional powers (telekenisis) to send the jet engine back in time to kill himself....
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Sunday, 9 Feb 2003 22:20)
I love your theory on the earmuffs! I think I'm sold on that one. But how exactly was God teaching them a lesson? Which lesson would that be...never lose control of a plane engine :)
>>By Alora (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 03:55)
I am having trouble with the site. First what is the point of the site? and i am stuck in level 2.....i keep seeing the different sections of the book but how do i read them? I am soo confused if anyone can help me please do so! Thanks
>>By Esa (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 04:20)
I really don't think God crushed Donnie with a jet engine to teach people a lesson per se. If anything, it was more like God chose Donnie to be the people's savior, that is, if you take the whole God-themed approach to the film. Donnie is actually portrayed as a Jesus figure throughout the entire film, he had to sacrifice himself for the good of humanity, and people were changed because of it.
Ask me questions!
>>By and by (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 04:54)
welll...if that is ure theory by and by.... what caused the rift in the primary universe? my theory was god did...he also chose donnie to be sacraficed..and frank as a guide...remember...desitiny was a huge theme in the movie....maybe it was all destined to be liike this..and who makes destiny none other than god...if u believe in all that stuff of course....
if u believe in Destiny and in Jesus...then u should also believe GOD sacraficed Jesus to teach people a lesson as well....because god created jesus......if u believe in all that....
The lesson would be.... 1 person does make a differenece...every person should be listened too.....God used Donnie and Frank to teach them the lesson...Donnie was the chosen one Frank was the guide.... it was all destiny...
please feel free to comment on my ideas and ask questions...i don't mind
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 10:14)
Goodness:) :) I don't check for a whole 24 hours and all kinds of great ideas show up. Love the earmuffs theory Unconfused Guy!!! I agree:) Cherita was seperated from everyone cause it's just like that for some of us girls in highschool. Donnie is seperate cause he has a whole 'nother level of consciousness opening up. If my spirit guide showed me that I would have to die and things I didn't like might have to happen I might shoot him too--just kidding but I would think about it, LOL. I think that is why Frank says "I'm sorry" at the movie theater. His role is a difficult one. Thanks By and By. There is this whole God theme that I am grappling with and I don't want anyone to be skittish to bring it up. I just can't decide if the film is saying God is involved or not. There is definately a lot of evidence for a "mind behind the mess" but that line about how every living thing dies alone keeps coming back to haunt me. Does it mean that there is no God or does it mean that you die alone because you are awakened to something that no one else can share at that moment or.......? Donnie laughs at the end for a reason, like a little kid amused by something.
>>By inanna (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 10:23)
K-----unconfused:) I have read ideas before, expressed by Asian spiritual beliefs usually, where we all have a predestined fate but at the same time can change that fate. Another paradox:) We have a fate on one hand but the ability to choose on the other. Your thoughts........?
>>By inanna (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 10:30)
Okay, so he sent the jet engine back.. Is that the engine that fell in his room in the tangent dimension, or some other engine from some other dimension? Or maybe he just had to send his knowledge to the primary dimension Donnie to let him know what was up, because it seems like the jet engine would fall inevitably, with or without Donnie's help.
>>By Then (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 11:48)
Long time no see guys! Well, the rift was caused by a rupture in the 4th dimension. It was the 4th dimension rupturing that caused the primary dimension to skew off and create this unstable tangent dimension. These tangent dimensions only last a short time, and if they collapse, both the tangent and primary universes are destroyed.
Donnie was chosen by divine powers to fix it. He realized that the only way to prevent the tangent universe from ever existing was to make sure he died. If he died, none of the events leading up to the engine falling off the plane would happen. According to the website, this has happened before. It talks about the guy getting killed by the falling arrowhead, even though there was no one else around. You can assume that he was visited by a spirit guide in his tangent universe, was guided by the manipulated dead to the top of the cliff in the tangent universe, and threw the arrowhead into the rift, where it reappeared in the primary universe in the past and killed the primary version of himself, which prevented the tangent from ever happening.
The key is to realize that Donnie didn't cause the tangent universe, and neither did Frank. It was the 4th dimension rupturing that caused it, and Donnie was chosen by god to fix it.
The universe isn't perfect. Stuff happens all the time around us, planes crash, people get hit by cars, stars blow up, black holes form. God supposedly included uncertainty and chance into his universe, so that he didn't have absolute control over everything and people would develop a free will of their own. (Thats why people ask why God would give a 3 year old cancer. Well he didn't, thats all part of the random element of chance that he included in his design so.)
If you believe in that sort of thing, you have to believe that he didn't cause the 4th dimension rupture, that was chance as well, but he realized that this kind of disaster wasn't a child getting terminal cancer. THIS disaster would destroy his entire creation. So he intruduces a Deus Ex Machina into the mix to fix an impossible conundrum, and sends Frank to guide him.
In a nut shell:
1)Universe isn't perfect, it is random. God designed it that way on purpose. This has its advantages and disadvantages for everyone.
2)Random universe sometimes backfires. Kids die when they shouldn't, Christopher Reeve breaks his neck in an accident, etc. Sometimes it backfires catastrophically.
3)This is one of those backfires.
4)God intervenes this time to prevent everything from being destroyed and he chooses Donnie to fix it, like he chose arrowhead man, sword maker man, and probably Jesus (thats debatable, but there are parallels)
5)Donnie makes the ultimate sacrifice and succeeds.
>>By Bishop (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 19:50)
I apologize bishop but i have to disagree.... a HUGE underlying theme of this movie was destiny...remember when donnie was talking with the professor about time travel...? He explained the spheres and how they come out of the chest and he can see where someone is going to go as if it were predetermind. The professor said he was contradicting himself because if he did see the future he would have a choice to follow it or not. Donnie disagreed, he said that it was all predetermined. Remember the spheres where never wrong. Donnie himself followed his sphere as if he couldn't resist. I believe that Destiny was all predetermined and GOD was the one that created the rift in the 4th dimension. I believe this movie expresses nothing random. Like cellar door..... or sparrow waiting for the letter.... or Frank going to get beer when they had a Keg..... i believe this whole movie was seet up by the divine.... Even though it wasn't mentioned alot religion and GOD were a huge theme in the movie.
As for "All living things die alone" i am not sure what to make of that. That line is very complex. No easy answer... ..lemme think about it and i will get back to u on that ehehehe.....IF i come up with an answer....
Then..... he sent the jet engine from the Tangent Universe that never happened...that why they could never find the jet that the engine was from.
Please Post your ideas I am changing my name its to long...I will now be known by my real name... Kelvin.
- Kelvin
>>By SomeUnconfusedGuy (Kelvin) (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 20:22)
Richard Kelly intentionally left this movie open for interpretation. On the site it says that the 4th dimension sometimes forms a rift in it purely by chance, that's where divine powers come in and Donnie is then chosen to fix the not so little mess up. This can be argued to be random, it's an ongoing debate in the real world, is there a such thing as fate? Perhaps, perhaps not. Einstein has been quoted as saying "I do not believe that the Good Lord plays dice", meaning nothing is random, there's a set path for everything, as explained in the movie. Also, Donnie was summoned to the cliff in the beginning of the movie, he was shown the same view he would have while sending the jet engine back through the rift. So did God create the rift in the first place? I think God had just as much part in that as He does when there's an earthquake. Take that as you might.
>>By and by (Monday, 10 Feb 2003 22:03)
So.. wherever the jet engine was (at some governmental site, a junkyard), he just picked it up with telekinesis and flung it into the rift? If so, what if it was destroyed? I thought that the government wanted it all to be a secret; I would think that they'd destroy all evidence of the engine.
>>By Then (Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 00:09)
Yeah i don't think donnie was the one who sent the engine back. the engine crashed in his bed even before he knew anything was going on. i think what donnie did was to end the cycle of the appearance of the tangent universe by accepting his fate and getting crushed...
anyone have any thoughts on why he covers his head with his hood so much? only thing i can come up with is that he's dissociating himself from his surroundings..
inanna--if we have a predestined fate we wouldn't be able to change it. if one believes that we have any power over our destiny it has to go under free will.
>>By Alora (Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 02:24)
Don't you all remember the fear and love thing. You can't lump everything together. For myself, life is life. It's a mix of "destiny" and "free-will"
Same with the every living creature dies alone. To a degree, everything dies alone, but everything also touchs reality in it's own way, like Donnie.
I think Donnie is laughing in the end, because he realizes the unity of everything, of the universe. Perhaps he realizes it sooooooo easy to take things way to seriously :)
>>By Andrew C (Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 02:43)
Donnie did send back the jet engine, he was the only one who could, he was chosen to send it back, it was his mission the whole time, the whole movie worked toward him directing the jet engine back through the rift, he used his supernatural powers to tear it from his mother's plane flying over his house.
As for a mix between destiny and a free will, that just isn't possible by definition.
And Donnie wears the hood over his head so often because the director was going for a comic book feel to the movie, it made Donnie look and seem more like a superhero, make's him look kinda mysterious.
In the end, Donnie is laughing probably because he's just effectively travelled through time and has just been enlightened through all that he's just done.
>>By and by (Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 03:48)
Then... The jet engine was from the plane Donnie's mom and the dance team was on at the end. They never found where the plane was from because it was from the it never happened cuz donnie saved them.... they took it to a government site becaus ethey wanted to keep it a secret cuz they didn't know anything about it
Alora.... if that is your theory how did the engine get back there????
By and By... i agree with u... its very open for interpretation...thats why i dun critisize others... STUPID BISHOP!!...eheheh j/k me persononal i am Athiest so i dun believe in God much less destiny... but people have other ideas and i think the screen writer wanted to get destiny across.... did u mean he sent the engine back or HE travelled back..on ure last post? I think he was amused at everything that happened...i don't think HE himself traveled thru time...i like ure other theories..especially the one about the hood...good man..or woman.....
please comment
>>By Kelvin (Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 08:07)
Ok, so the main thing that we all don't agree on is how the 4th dimensional rift occured.
Was it created by god? Was it created by Frank? Was it created by Donnie? Was it random?
I just can't buy the fact that god created the rift. WHY would he do something that could be catastrophic to the universe just so he can guide a mortal to sacrifice himself to fix it? What would that teach anyone? Donnie didn't benifit from it, obviously, cause hes dead. No one else knows that Donnie sacrificed himself to save the universe. All they know is some unidentifiable engine fell on Donnie and killed him. His parents aren't even told anything, so nothing is solved.
I just don't think that god would create something to destroy everything, just to kill someone to fix it. That just doesn't make sense to me.
>>By Bishop (Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 09:10)
maybe it is like this....if I plan to travel from NY to seattle,I can take sveral different routes but I have to have been in NY and Seattle at some point. In other words there are certain things that are predestined to happen or part of the plan or whatever, but in between we have free choice in what happens--back to Bishop's view....we have free will but there is also a plan and if things deviate from that too far then God or the gods or the force or whatever does what's necessary to fix it. I am also thinking a lot about entropy theory:) if things are moving towards chaos and destruction then maybe that's how the rift happened--Donnie's destruction/death has a regenerative effect/creation. I do think Donnie can travel between the worlds/dimensions. I think that is one of his gifts and why he is ideally suited to fix things. Why I think that,is because of his sleepwalking and how even under hypnosis he kind of has control.
>>By inanna (Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003 10:24)
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