i was just wondering if Mark Wahlberg was the one singing Colorful at the end of the movie. I know it's originally by the Verve pipe, and it sounds just like them.
>>By donnyboy (Sunday, 1 Dec 2002 15:54)
life seems to fuuny when u dont have a money but dot worried when people ask me what u are i tell them i want to be a rock star my mother tells me go and attend ur school i tell her i dont want ot sit like a fool cuase i dont need no edjucation cause rock star are my inspiration and it will depend on my fortune when i will sing my own tune and fortune favour the brave
>>By vipin singh sen (Thursday, 26 Dec 2002 17:38)
I was wondering if anybody has the tab for We All die Young, one of the songs in the movie
>>By jdavis (Friday, 24 Jan 2003 20:46)
i had a copy of the dvd and i dont know what happened to it, was wondering if you can help me as i want to buy another copy (i love that movie)
>>By leigh (Tuesday, 28 Jan 2003 04:46)
does anybody know where i can find the grey jacket that the guitarist wears??? it goes around the thumb. thanks
>>By mobz (Thursday, 30 Jan 2003 12:17)
Does anyone know the name of the song that goes something like this "Water over my weathered hands" he sings it in the movie
>>By grl (Saturday, 1 Feb 2003 23:08)
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>>By moskito (Monday, 17 Feb 2003 19:47)
>>By CANDY (Monday, 17 Mar 2003 05:02)
>>By CROW (Monday, 24 Mar 2003 09:46)
I loved the end of the movie during the credits when they joked about "Marky Mark's" "Feel the Vibration" song, that was hilarious!!! I think Mark Wahlberg has come a long way, and if he keeps it up, he will go a lot farther......
>>By Finkle (Monday, 21 Apr 2003 05:40)
I just loved the scene where Jennifer aniston was kissing that other girl. I found that so hot! I'm a girl and I loved that scene. ROCK like a STAR!!!
>>By yeah123 (Sunday, 27 Apr 2003 21:54)
Yea im a girl too but i found that pretty hot! I would just love 2 live that rock &roll Lifestyle. Stand up, Stand up, Stand up and let it out!
>>By Baby (Tuesday, 29 Apr 2003 21:26)
Can somebody give me the lyric of "We all die young" ? i´lll really love it....
>>By Steel dragon´s manager (Wednesday, 30 Apr 2003 00:36)
I think that movie is great. It's simple but it has every detail needed. I wanna know if it's really Mark singing too, and the tabs for Stand Up And Shout and We All Die Young.
If anyone got em, here's my mail:
>>By pasti (Wednesday, 30 Apr 2003 02:37)
here's the lyrics for "we all die young"
Risk my soul, test my life For my bread Spend my time lost in space Am I dead? I’ll let the river flow Through my callused hands And take me from my own The eyes of the damned
It makes my stomach turn And it tears my flesh from the bone How we turn a dream to stone
And we all die young
Oh tell me I know I lived so afraid And still we cry alone With words left unsaid
Yeh it makes my stomach turn And it tears my flesh from the bone How we turn this dream to stone
And we all die young Yeah we all die young
Yeah we all die young Yeah we all die young Yeah we all die young Yeah we all die young Yeah we all die… young, young, young Young…
>>By pasti (Wednesday, 30 Apr 2003 02:39)
The Rockstar Soundtrack is out now if u buy it all the lyrics would be on it! The music Rocks in this film. I'm gonna buy it next week, my boyfriend had it but then we broke up so now i hav 2 buy my own! Stand up and Shout is SUCH a good song! They should seriously release it! I think it's so funny in the outtakes when Mark Wahlberg is about to perform Stand Up & shout and they play "Good Vibrations" and all the Break Dancers come out! Or also when he's Rapping. Funny Shit! Does Anybody know the name of the guy in Izzy's Steel Dragon Tribute Band Who plays Guitar& who kicks him out? They end up re-uniting in the End to form their own band? I think he's great in it! I also love the jacket he wears at the Concert that goes down over his fingers! it's so sexy!
>>By Baby (Wednesday, 30 Apr 2003 15:48)
I love this movie& the music is soooo good!
>>By Amanda Hugandkiss (Wednesday, 30 Apr 2003 20:22)
Ok if you love this movie and you're into music you'd also Enjoy "This is Spinal Tap" it's a Mockumentary on the Fake band Spinal Tap, who incidentally released songs after the release of the film due to it's success. Ok I'm not tryin to promote it but i'd like to discuss it with someone& there's nobody in the discussion for it now. So Since i know u guys LOVE Rockstar, i know u guys have my kinda taste so u should like this is spinal tap. So, get into the discussion! One more thing i'd like to say about Rockstar. I'm not a Jenn Aniston Fan but was Great in Rockstar!
>>By Baby (Thursday, 1 May 2003 00:28)
rock star is the greatest because i see about 3 times a day and i know every word that is in that movie.i am trying to get the all the songs that is on the rock star video but i have only got steel dragons singing on it but i dont wont that i wont the exact songs that are on the movie can someone tell me where to go and get the songs.
by from 50 cents
>>By 50 cents (Wednesday, 7 May 2003 14:10)
50 cents i hav the soundtrack and it has all the Steel Dragon songs on it: we all die young, Blood pollution, Stand up, Wasted generation, & Long live rock and roll along with other songs featured in the movie but they're not as good! (i detest Motley Crue) it's on Posthuman records/Priority records. Go buy it baby!
>>By Too smart for a nickname (Wednesday, 7 May 2003 21:33)
Anyone know what that song is called played in the movie when they show the days going by, and the song goes, "and the days go by.."
Who sings it?
>>By Curt Schilling (Friday, 9 May 2003 18:32)
Yeah i know the song you're talkin about but they actually didn't put it on the soundtrack & for the life of me i can't remember who sings it so i guess i'm no help at all! Sorry(",) I will eventually remember the name but until then you'll just have to wait in suspense!
>>By Too Smart for a nickname (Saturday, 10 May 2003 22:32)
I wonder who are the real singers of the songs in the movie? anyone who knows?
>>By HuMaN (Tuesday, 13 May 2003 19:56)
Jeff Scott Soto does the vocals for Livin the life, Stand up and wasted generation and Mike Matjevic does the vocals for We all die young, Blood Pollution and Long live rock and roll. Im not sure who they are but they're both really good!
>>By Too smart for a nickname (Tuesday, 13 May 2003 20:45)
I love Coloful by the Verve!! Rock On!!
>>By Onyx026 (Monday, 19 May 2003 02:44)
does anyone know the song that is played in the trailer of the movie?
>>By belinda (Monday, 2 Jun 2003 19:17)
It depends which trailer! What does the song go like?
>>By Sexy (Wednesday, 4 Jun 2003 20:41)
Rockstar is the most fantastic movie ever made. It have it all, great story, great actors, and the most important in a good rockmovie GREAT music. some one know were i can find the lyrics for guitar play?
>>By Anniston (Wednesday, 11 Jun 2003 09:52)
Haven't written here in a while, just thought i'd drop in and once again Praise Rockstar the movie. I Love it!!! I wish more people would write in. Not many of my friends have seen the movie, they all Hate Jennifer Aniston but i think she completely rocks in this film! so this is one of the only ways i can talk about the movie!.....................................yeah i know that's quite sad! PS: Timothy Olyphant is sooo sexy in this always.
>>By Too smart for a nickname (Friday, 13 Jun 2003 17:36)
i love this movie i worship it actually. i am going to probly sing one of the songs in a talent show w/ my band. i am gonna get my band together and study the music so that we can play it and i can sing it. i am a grl tho. but i have that yearning to be a rockstar and i am determined to sing one of these songs to perfection.i have a question too, who thinks that mark wahlberg should keep his hair long? he is very sexy w/ that long hair. i wanted to be a very naughty grl w/ him. hehehe!
>>By wish i was as old as mark so i could marry him!!! (Saturday, 14 Jun 2003 05:26)
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