Queen Of The Damned


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This is absolutely RUBBISH. AVOID IT.

If you liked "Interview with the Vampire", this will totally ruin the theme for you forever.

The acting is poor, the dialogue could have been written by a child, and the Character Lestat has been totally destroyed by it. No wonder Tom Cruise turned it down. What a terrible script. Oh God! AVOID IT - If you see it in the video store - Get an electromagent.

>>By SMASH_YOUR_FACE_IN   (Monday, 29 Mar 2004 15:50)

i thought the one character they got right personality wise was lestat his persoality in the movie and in the book really dont differ

>>By therion   (Tuesday, 30 Mar 2004 16:42)

mmhmm. he makes vampires look good.

>>By eatengold   (Wednesday, 31 Mar 2004 09:04)

yep he sure does

>>By *Vovin*   (Thursday, 1 Apr 2004 17:56)

They didn't do the book justice--however, what they did try to do at least, was combine "The Vampire Lestat" and "The Queen of the Damned" together, so that newcomers to the Vampire Chronicles could follow along with it...please don't compare it to the book...appreciate it for what it is....not for what the book is

>>By Lita   (Wednesday, 17 Nov 2004 16:56)

maybe im blind but someone PLEASEtell me what the name of the song was that played when the queen was in the bar scene... something about "... Why won't you die?... your blood and mine" . PLEASE SOMEONE TELL MEB4 I GO CRAZY... OH WAIT I ALREADY HAVE... JUST TELL ME ANYWAYS! THANX!

>>By lilred   (Sunday, 21 Nov 2004 04:38)

The name of the song in the bar is "System" and it's performed by Chester Bennington from Linkin Park....great song, the whole soundtrack is unbelievable

>>By Lita   (Wednesday, 24 Nov 2004 20:37)

has anyone else noticed the distinct likenes between lestat and ville valo, the film would have been better if they hsd used a him soundtack

>>By scarletnikki   (Thursday, 4 Aug 2005 23:38)

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