i agree its an amazing film. I remeber watching it as a child and i adored it then and i still love it now. Nothing like it. How many of these new films do you think people will be talking about for this long? I cant name any that have gone down as well as this and i doubt they will ever make anything like it again.
>>By spookygoth (Saturday, 26 Aug 2006 19:02)
I watched this movie when I was like 6 and never knew the name of the film, but I never forgot the general plot and would randomly wonder 'what was that movie with goblins?' 10 years later I was walking through a store and saw the Labyrinth DVD for sale and immediately knew it was that particular film, and have been in love with it ever since. Not to mention Bowie made some great songs, which I was surprised to learn that he wrote most of the lyrics. Trevor Jones also did wonderful on the score. Definitely my kinda par-tay music. Though I wish Jennifer Connely was really Sarah instead of herself.
>>By MagentaStraberry (Friday, 18 May 2007 18:51)
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