The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
the texas chainsaw massacre is my favorite horror movie series. i mean just look at leatherface.hes a goddamnd psycho with a favorite one is part 2 because it has a lot and i mean a lot of boold, and its funnier then would be part 3 because it has a really good plot,some pretty good gory seans and is also funnier then would be the classic.part 1.i really dont know why this isnt my favorite one because this one scared the shit out of me the most.i will never forget the first time we see leatherface in that movie.where kirk goes to the door way and he trips and when he looks up he sees leatherface about to hit him in the head with the sledgehammer and then he pulls him through the door and just slamms the steel door really hard.the reason it scared me was because the seane only lasted 7 seconds and it was fast.last but but not defintly least was part 4 which tottaly SUCKED ASS!! i mean leatherface is a total faggot crossdresser who screams like a tottaly quier/ in all of the movies his family are cannibls exept for part 4 where they eat pizza.leatherface also isnt the main family member,that stupid vilmer is,and also leatherface only killed one person and that was with a sludgehammer not his chainsaw.the rest of the deaths are from vilmer like i said the texas chainsaw massacre movies are my favorite exept for the ripoff number 4.
>>By engelmeyerfan (Thursday, 13 Feb 2003 02:37)
I watched the texas chainsaw massacre for the 1st time the other nite& it didn't scare me at all! it was just stupid. And what the hell was with the Grandfather? his face looked so fake! the only part that was the least bit "gorey" was when he hung the girl ip on that big meat hook. That was pretty gross but the rest was pretty lame. The only part in the film that was good was when the girl got away in the end &is crying and screaming like a maniac-that was really funny, i laughed hyserically for like an hour! he he.
>>By Rosie (Thursday, 24 Apr 2003 00:53)
I own the front screen door from the leather face house used in the original TCM. under 'fan fotos' section, then its the 4th name down from the top my name is BOGUES you cant miss it. There you will find pics from my 1st trip to visit all the film locations for the original TCM and pictures from my 2nd trip to visit all the films locations one year later and also bought the door from the current owner of the Leatherface house. Dennis Thomas who also owns The Antlers hotel. Both the hotel and the house are now in Kingsland Tx. if you are interested to read more. Thanks for your time. And please check out my pics and of course the infamous screen door. -Bogues
>>By GutturalTexage (Wednesday, 20 Aug 2003 23:20)
i like it when things are cool... like good, gory make up. i wish i could dress like a preppy chick, but wear a whole lotta gory cool make up everyday... damn society and right wing jobs and jerzy kosinsky being dead and all... fuck i love that man... i any of you know lloyd kaufman, tell him to read blind date by kosinski. oh yeah, all of you are fuck ups and no one likes you but your turbojugend! love turbonegro! ( it's a band, you wanna-be anti-racsist fuck)
end communication
>>By nothing_to_lose (Friday, 22 Aug 2003 08:58)
and all you losers should see better movies... like cannibal the musical, cannibal holocaust, dead alive, phantasm(I, II, III, AND IV), cemetary man, evil dead(I and II), army of darkness, being there (with peter sellers and shirley mccaline...sp? screw you.) and listen to vivaldi. and the listen to turbonegro. then some standells. the the flaming sideburns. the some nashville pussy. then drown yourself
end communication
>>By nothing_to_lose (Friday, 22 Aug 2003 09:02)
I cant believe they've made a new modern Texas Chainsaw Massacre!? ?????????
>>By Too Smart for a nickname (Thursday, 9 Oct 2003 17:16)
The thing about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is's based on a true story.
The thing about the Exorcist is that's based on a true story.
Good horror movies are the ones where things can or actually have happened. Sorry if I put a damper on anyones individual thoughts there but, it's true.
Althought I do agree with Rosie...the makeup was quite lame but bear in mind there, it was made on a low budget.
Psycho, Ringu, The Omen, The Exorcist to name a few were all low budget movies and look how many people had the hell scared out of them watching them. Proves you don't need a big salary and a high tech studio to make a great story. ^_^
>>By cute_fluffy_death_thing (Saturday, 25 Oct 2003 22:35)
>>By james_dead_dark_kathren (Monday, 10 Nov 2003 02:54)
I was just wondering what people think of the new Texas chainsaw massacre movie? I saw it the other day and though i'm not a fan of re-makes i thought they did a pretty good job. The guy who pays the creepy Sheriff is definitely the scene stealer, very good, but i thought leather face looked pretty much the same...............which i guess is a good thing. anybody else with an opinion?
>>By Too Smart for a nickname (Thursday, 27 Nov 2003 08:51)
Again here I have to explain to people about stuff. First off everybody get on the net and do some research. The Texas chainsaw is not a whole based true story. And for most directors of movies they never are. Texas chainsaw, Psycho, and a few otehrs which I cant think of right now were all based loosely around ED Gein. he was only convicted of two murders but he did however have a thing with robbying graves and making shit out of skin. He did make a full body suit out of his mom when she died and wore it and danced out in the moon. If he want to learn more about him look him up on the net. Tobe hooper the director got his idea from him cause he lived in the town it happend in. Every movie just cause they say it's a true story its not fully true. They take little things from it but they also had a few thing of there own. There is no actual killer called leatherface. Like I said they got there ideas from Ed Gein who was from the 50's and 60's. Look it up.
>>By MissTrix (Monday, 8 Dec 2003 21:24)
Oh another thing. There is actually a movie based on the actual events of Ed gein. To tell his story. It's not all that good and the acting is kind of shitty. But at least it tells you how things actually happened with him. Or buy the book on him.
>>By MissTrix (Monday, 8 Dec 2003 21:26)
yea... Ed gein is a wicked freaky ass movie
>>By hXc bill (Tuesday, 9 Dec 2003 01:24)
Yea it's alright I would say get the book. That has some photos and the whole thing explains it better.
>>By MissTrix (Tuesday, 9 Dec 2003 19:25)
>>By hXc bill (Wednesday, 10 Dec 2003 15:21)
Any opinions on the newly released remake? For a modern horror flik, and being a big fan of the original, i was impressed. Most new horror movies are not about horror, they are about really hot teenagers running around half naked, same story, plot, over and over. This remake had some really creepy parts. A little too much plot as far as the kids involved. I would really like to see a horror film done totally from the the killers point of view. Make films with more gore, blood, decapitations, disembowelments, and cannibalism and less cutesie high school BS. Any suggestions on other movies that may interest me? See Re-Animator
>>By mikey mike (Saturday, 27 Dec 2003 23:18)
Yea as i've said before i like the remake, i also liked the original but i felt it was a bit, well, scrappy? i dunno i just thought the new one was better because there was a motive behind leather face's murders& skinning (eww!), he had some sort of skin defect and was killing the people for their skin. his torture methods and killing were for punishing people for how society outcasted him, right? Thats also the reason that his family went out and trapped these people for him. well thats my theory. but on the original i just thought he was some big ugly freak goin out killin people for, well, the fun? so thumbs up to the remake for makin things as clear as they can be! Oh and i really thought the suicide scene where the disturbed girl blows off her head was excellently done.
>>By Too Smart for a nickname (Wednesday, 10 Mar 2004 18:49)
that fuckin movie was sick
>>By toke more than u (Thursday, 11 Mar 2004 20:04)
Miss Trix was right,
Ed Gein inspired Leatherface's character from "Texas Cainsaw", Buffalo Bill's character from "Silence of the Lambs" and "Psycho" with Norman Bates. None of the stories were true...which is why they said "inspired" and not "based", there is a difference. Gein cut off the skin and body parts of women and wore them. He wanted to be a woman. He never admitted to cannibalism or necrophilia, but it was suspected.
His victims were women who reminded him of his dear mother--sick.
<<<I used to research serial killers>>>--- He was sometimes referred to as the most infamous serial killer.
>>By Sandr (Thursday, 11 Mar 2004 21:04)
great movie fuckin sick as hell
>>By therion (Friday, 12 Mar 2004 03:09)
The original was good movie. re-make wasnt very catered to the "new age" horror movie crowd. Thank God Paul Anderson didnt remake this film.
Now if they can do a remake that dosent have the main characters life being saved by a pig in a locker; I'd be happy....TCM: Redux....Yeah, keep Paul Anderson's greasy litte fingers off this one cause he flobbed up AvP and Resident Evil... keep away, you fiend.
Regarding :Too Smart for a nickname (Wednesday, 10 Mar 2004 18:49): ( Late with my post, so what I want to get my opinion out )
Some things don't need to be explained. People are often afraid of what they dont understand, if you explain the reasoning to why King Kong is big or why The Blob does what it does, it takes away that feeling of fear of the unknown, or causes the film to be cliche.
Example : The Alien movies. The 1st one was scary because they didnt totally reveal the aliens form. It scared people cause they didnt know what it was capable of doing. Now look at Alien Ressurection. Not scary. Why? Because from the 2nd movie ( which was cool, but not scary ) to the last movie, they reveal more and more of the alien, showing off what it can do and all. So by the last film, people already know what to expect, therefore, its not scary.
Relating this to TCM, if we know why leatherface is pissed off, it takes away that feeling I mentioned earlier. Of course, to have a little bit of reasoning is good, so the audience isnt totally in the dark . The opening/closing scenes of TCM 2003 with the grainy footage was enough explanation, they didnt need the story behind Leatherface.
That is why Michael Myers is the slasher king. ( disregarding Halloween : The Curse of Michael Myers, of course. )
BTW: Paul Anderson should stay away from directing and writing...keep fiend.
>>By quiet-kid (Friday, 27 Aug 2004 04:26)
The remake is good if you're one of these teenybopper kids who wants to see all your favorite WB stars in horror films. For the rest of us, there's the original, which is still much more disturbing even considering that there's like 75% less blood and gore than in the remake. Now THAT'S filmmaking. Low budget classic.
>>By The Walrus (Friday, 27 Aug 2004 19:11)
No i still think the remake is better than the original, in the original the plot was shallow and there was no charachter development at least in the remake you feel a bit sorry for these people being murdered in the first i didn't really care! Ok the leading lady wasnt as good as Marilyn Burns but as far as i can see Burns was the only example of good acting in the first movie, the rest of them sucked! and the gore in the remake is a lot more disturbing than the original, i mean come, the guy on the meat hook and the piano key that was some disturbing shit. So yea ok the movie isn't original in terms of screenplay but it makes up for the scrapiness and bad acting of the original!
>>By Too Smart for a nickname (Monday, 25 Oct 2004 16:47)
does anyone know if TCM 3 was directed by Tobe Hooper also?
>>By jimakane (Wednesday, 22 Dec 2004 20:23)
never mind... i did some research... i've been looking for TCM 3 for years now. guess i just had to wait for them to rerelease it.
>>By jimakane (Wednesday, 22 Dec 2004 20:37)
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