The Notebook
Oh, my gosh! I can't believe that nobody's talked about the Notebook! What isn't there to talk about, first of all? This was the most beautiful movie I have ever seen. Set in the fourties, the story's young couple couldn't have been more perfect for each other. I couldn't get over the fact that Ryan Gosling, the talented actor who played Noah Calhoun, was so hot! He and Rachel McAdams had such great chemestry. I was bawling my eyes out throughout the entire movie. Thank goodness I brought enough kleenexes. If youre in for a sweet movie, full of laughs, tears, a great ending, and an extremely HOT RYAN, this is the movie for you!
>>By CoCo (Thursday, 22 Jul 2004 04:04)
wow ya surprising nobody has rlly talked about this haha cus its a great movie! and ALOT different from the movies that i usually are into... Gooood MMMovie hahaha i want to live in that gorgeous litttle town hahaha
>>By Chrissy_Hockeyluver (Monday, 9 Aug 2004 04:03)
Hmm... the movie was ok, but it was kinda boring in parts. And i didnt know why everyone was crying at the end, cause it wasn't that great!
>>By Ut~boarder~girl (Saturday, 14 Aug 2004 17:35)
omg this is like so the best movie ever!! Totally!! It is so romantic, sweet, funny, sad, everything!! I cried through the whole thing!!
>>By Lindseyloo1404 (Sunday, 21 Nov 2004 02:56)
This movie definately goes in the Classic section. No matter what time, year, or decade, this movie will still speak to people. At first I was skeptical about seeing a 'love' story... but to tell you the truth this was the best one I have ever seen.. now next on my agenda is to read the book
>>By Pediophobia (Sunday, 5 Dec 2004 04:08)
my friend cried so much she needed black glasses next day to hide her eyes
though i shed only a few tears i surely did enjoy the story
>>By Rossa (Monday, 13 Dec 2004 19:16)
i tought it was sad it reminded me of my gramma and grampa cuz its basically the same story!....chrissy we love EVERYTHING THE SAME! lol
>>By Banks_luver23 (Saturday, 1 Jan 2005 09:12)
now that was a true love story i didn't expect to see!:) it was beauiful!
>>By Eli_Molko (Thursday, 14 Apr 2005 02:36)
i was so in love with the cinematography of this film from start to finish. i especially love that part in the lake with the swans..
>>By katasonja (Saturday, 30 Apr 2005 03:41)
This movie was crap. What made it crap was the ending. Talk about turning a movie with insurmountable potential into total foolishness. I could have appreciated it more if it had ended when they got back together... and please, both of them dying together?! Uggh!!!! I saw nothing to cry about. The acting was great... superb even, but I did not like the angle the movie took.
>>By nudest (Thursday, 9 Jun 2005 00:35)
The notebook>>>> oh my gosh I am completely in love with this movie, it is what every girl dreams of in a man, one that will never give up or leave her for some skank:) so sweetttttt
>>By Maddiegrace (Tuesday, 6 Nov 2012 05:03)
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