The American President
after prez does the press conference at the end of the movie, mj fox says something about everyone looking up how to spell "eriadite???" what's the real spelling and does anyone know what it means?
>>By mld (Tuesday, 18 Feb 2003 20:03)
I really have not watched the movie all the way through but i really need to b/c of a project i have to do in E>L>P it really is an hard project to do also..
>>By lil Tip (Sunday, 2 Mar 2003 19:05)
I absolutely love love love this movie. I believe it is one of the greatest romantic comedies ever. It has the perfect mix of drama, comedy, romance, and nepitism. This was the first movie I noticed Anette Bening and now I watch anything and everything she is in...amazing actress.
>>By J-me (Friday, 11 Apr 2003 04:14)
haahhhhhhhahahahahahhahaha htis movie suxors.
>>By Bone (Thursday, 17 Apr 2003 15:13)
>>By Bone2 (Thursday, 17 Apr 2003 15:14)
What's this movie all about anyways? I've watched only the beginning and still can't get a clue about what's happening in the beginning? What were they talking about and what type of discussions and topics were they on? I'm only watching this movie for this class I'm taking, other than that, I wouldn't even know that this movie existed! I guess I'm going to have to finish this movie first before I can rate it as a good comedy or not.
>>By Lea (Wednesday, 30 Apr 2003 04:41)
im writting a paper on the movie what does lewis rothschild aka micheal j fox do in the movie
>>By Nancy (Thursday, 8 May 2003 20:38)
the only fags abotu this movie are the people who wrote bad sh*t about 'em!
i think this movie is great
>>By lisa (Tuesday, 8 Jul 2003 21:48)
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