Sense And Sensibility
Can anyone help me list the main events scene by scene and significant details please
>>By Jaime (Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003 01:39)
Its fabulous!
>>By Sman (Monday, 10 Mar 2003 02:12)
i loved it! It was rilly rilly bad! But I loved it!!!!!!! It had no point at all!! It made me cry!!!!:'( Why would they make a movie like that?????!!!!!
>>By your worst nightmare (Wednesday, 19 Mar 2003 22:18)
nonsense and insensibility
>>By psychedelic (Thursday, 24 Apr 2003 04:04)
I loved the movie. I loved the clothing and everything about the period
>>By OpheliasViolets (Monday, 6 Sep 2004 19:03)
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