Priscilla Queen Of The Desert
Hey everyone, Priscilla is my favorite movie and I (like most of you out there) also get teased by my friends because it is my favorite. I suppose most people just don't see what we all see in the movie. I first learned about the movie after I "fell for" Guy Pearce. I really find it hard to picture anyone else playing Adam in the movie than the wonderful Mr. Pearce. I like this movie so much, that last year for my 15th birthday party, I sent invitations that had like a Priscilla theme. The invitations read... "We'll have a gay old time" and had pictures of the boys in drag. Clever uh?! I'm sure their parents were a little concerned when they saw the invitations. As if I don't already seem obsessive, I also painted the title of the movie just how it looks on the cover in blue paint on the wall in my bedroom. Okay I'll admit that one is a bit excessive. Whenever I find someone who has seen Priscilla, I always ask them what their favorite performance was. My favorite is definitely the one when they finally arrive at Alice Springs and perform to the audience in the Casino/Hotel. My parents don't know what to think, when I tell them that my favorite movie has to do with drag queens, ha ha ha. Every time I watch the movie, I talk along with the actors' dialogue, with the help of my own script. I even know a little of the opera song that Felicia plays while "she" rides on the shoe on the top of the bus. I think I have blabbed on enough about Priscilla for one day, so until next time ... -Jessie P.S. If you ever want to email me and chat about Priscilla or whatever, feel free. Here is my address.....
>>By Jessie (Saturday, 29 Mar 2003 02:04)
can you tell me the name of the Opera and who it is by from the movie??
I am at the moment producing and assistant director for the world premier of the stage show. To on in Melbourne on 20 August, and we are having trouble tracking it down. If you want to know more let me know Thanks
>>By Kate (Monday, 30 Jun 2003 10:12)
i think priscilla queen of the desert is an interesting movie, but i think i probably would have enjoyed it more if i didn't have to study it for my english class. I have to explore the movie through the eyes of feminists in order to do my oral, and found that this movie presented alot of controversy in it's presentation of the female gender. The only 'normal' female in the movie is actually a male (mitzi) and all the actual females represented in the film are entire misrepresentations of the female gender! for example, the asian wife of the mechanic (who was to say the least, very unnerving), the "butch man-lady" at the bar, who's charachter representation is anything but feministic, and the bi-sexual overly excited ex- wife of mitzi, who is to say the least a very strange woman. These stereotypical exaggerations of the female gender have portrayed woman to be the objects of ridicule, and to say the least almost useless in the film. They serve no purpose but to entertain and to imply that the drag queens are more womenly than the women themselves! Anyway, besides the misrepresentation of women in the film, i must say that the costumes were to die for, and that the 'ladies' did indeed look very stunning.
>>By shobz (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 08:40)
Hiya!, I'm a huge fan of priscilla!! I have been since I was about 13 and i'm 20 now! I have to agree with Jessie, Guy Pearce won it for me and I too know the whole film off by heart! I must have seen it nearly 100 times!! WOW there's gonna be a live stage show of priscilla???? I bet it will never come to the UK??? I really want to go to Australia so this is another reason to make me wanna go more! It's great I'm a student studying Costume design and i'm gonna do an essay on Priscilla for it! also I really want to make *Mitzi*'s outfit from the *I will survive* scene with the flowers wig!! hopefully I will next year in my course!! luv Amy
>>By amy_k_uk (Monday, 15 Mar 2004 20:13)
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