Party Monster
.. is fabulous! Not as great as the Shockumentary, BUT! that can be discussed as well. I'll just wait until any replies show up on this before I go off ...
>>By ~*Sisaro*~ (Thursday, 16 Dec 2004 03:47)
I LOOOOOOVE the movie!!!! i think the directors and the cast have done a wonderful job depicting the life of the club kids. not that i've been there exactly at that time, but, still, i love clubbing, so...yeah:) at first i thought Macoly Culkin couldn't act, but then i watched it a couple of times more, and i am convinced he has done a marvelous job, Michael couldn't be played that succesfully by noone else, really! he has this charisma and childishness and arrogance at the same time, and i think he's done a great job! and Seth Gren - he totally stole the show! he grew on me after i watched him in this movie!!!! absolutely amazing! Anyways, considering the modest budget, the cast and the costumes were absolutely great, and i totally love this movie!!!!!
>>By Eli_Molko (Monday, 12 Dec 2005 07:16)
*shutters* best movie in the entire world
>>By manson_is_sexy (Monday, 30 Jan 2006 06:45)
Im not a huge Culkin fan, but wow, the boy can least in this movie he could! The movie was shocking (in a good way!), in-your-face, and I found it funny too. There was some great performances from Seth and Cloe as well. It was also somewhat unusual, which made this film work!
>>By Honey Bunny (Sunday, 18 Jun 2006 20:45)
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