yet another great example of how fantastic asian movies really are. . .
oldboy is beautiful. . .and unpredictable. . .and completely insane! it honestly has everything i look for in a great movie. . .excellent actors. . .action. . .suspense. . .great cinematography. . .and a lot of dark humor. . .chan wook park is a brilliant director. . .
i just can't say enough good things about this movie!
on a rather sad and dissatisfactory note. . .there's an 'american' version of oldboy already in production. . .i guess i fail to understand why american audiences can't watch asian movies as is. . .why does hollywood feel the need to constantly remake movies that are already so great???
>>By drowninginflame (Thursday, 1 Sep 2005 11:24)
a masterpiece
>>By november rain (Friday, 28 Aug 2009 19:48)
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