Million Dollar Baby
i just saw this after the awards. i thought it was a good, not great movie. i am a big fan of clint eastwood. i don't see how or where in this film that won best director. i still must check out neverland and aviator to compare.
>>By coca (Monday, 7 Mar 2005 15:47)
Is this movie even extrordinary? I love Leo DiCaprio, and I'm sad he didnt get an oscar once again but it must have to be goodlol
>>By Jane (Tuesday, 8 Mar 2005 05:06)
I thoight the movie was good but i think Hlary Swank is exceptional so its all because of her!
>>By Too Smart for a nickname (Tuesday, 22 Mar 2005 18:52)
Heard a lot about this movie. Gonna check it out soon. Don't have the slightest idea what the film is about 'cause i just don't wanna know. I'm not that kind of fan of Clint. Yet i think he's brilliant in 'Heartbreak Ridge' and ofcourse the immortalized 'Good, bad & ugly'. One thing i do know bout his million dollar...... is that it must be a drama. Later !
>>By Sanvean (Saturday, 16 Apr 2005 18:26)
Great movie ! I enjoyed it from the beginning until the end. Há ! Laughed my ass off when that boy almost researched his bottle of water just to find out how they got the ice in it ! The movie was about profighting. ok, that's clear. But it was also about how to get the best out of someone instead of labelling or judging for being a square or a woman. And the subject is almost too hot to handle about ending someone's life 'cause of a disease a/o handicap(s). A subject that has not been avoided in this one..................
>>By Sanvean (Tuesday, 19 Apr 2005 22:56)
i like it
>>By hislop (Thursday, 28 Apr 2005 18:42)
i liked most of it but was dissapointed with a few scenes towards the end.... it could have been better
>>By kurn-ell (Thursday, 14 Jul 2005 00:04)
I wanted to cry all through this movie.... A woman, trying to stand out in a man's world, a man's sport, I was just in awe or Hilary Swank's performance. She did it justice and as we say in Louisiana, "she did the damn thang!!!" I really loved this movie and can really relate to her determination and diligence... She worked for what she wanted and achieved it but fell short due to someone elses spite and ignorance. I feel it would be beneficial to watch again, because it reminds me constantly that I am here for a purpose. Its amazing how one person can earn the respect of the world, millions of people who dont know you, yet the people whom you were close to, your family, cant even show you the proper love and affection you deserve without wanting something in return. Bravo and I take off my hat to all of them in the movie, espectially Mr. Morgan Freeman who knocked the hell out of that dude.... ;-)
>>By Choyce (Tuesday, 22 Nov 2005 23:14)
I thought this movie was fantastic, just amazing.
>>By raspberry_juice (Tuesday, 27 Jun 2006 04:00)
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