Halloween H20
I liked this movie. It had a good story to it, but it had horrible acting. The gore and make-up was soooo fake! There were bloopers and screw ups threw out the whole movie. If I would rate this out of 5 stars. I would probably give it 3 1/2. This movie was okay. A good rental.
>>By kevin (Monday, 17 Feb 2003 01:55)
Well i first saw the movie 2/22/03it was ok but it didnt scare me that much.But you know what i hate is at the end of the moviebecause she cuts off his head and you dont what happens next . I will have to go with kevin that it was a good rental.
>>By im an angel (Monday, 24 Feb 2003 08:48)
I saw this movie in 1999.It was a good movie, but what kevin said it was horrable acting.I didn't like the ending it just kept you hanging on to the edge of your seat.When I saw Resurrection it all started to make alot more sence to me.
>>By mark (Thursday, 3 Apr 2003 05:56)
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