Ghost Ship
Ok obviously no one has seen it or didnt like it.... but i thought it was totally a suspense movie.... i mean its like The 1 see Freddy Vs. Jason? HAHA it was good..... under 18...who want to c it and can... dont sit next to your parents... you may miss most of the movie...hehe....o and in Ghost Ship...the beginning was wicked!
>>By GC_Lover_15 (Saturday, 16 Aug 2003 15:16)
Great fuckin movie! Loved the beginning but I'd have to say that my fav part was when she finally found out who was behind it all. Can anyone tell me the name of the song that was playing in the backround at that very part. email me at ... Thanx a bunch !
>>By lilred (Wednesday, 20 Aug 2003 08:23)
Did anyone else notice that the "slicing" effect at the start was also used recently in Resident Evil and also Equilibrium? As for the film it was ok. Pity Gabriel Bryne wasn't in it more...
>>By Steed (Thursday, 28 Aug 2003 20:31)
they film is gd
>>By unearthed_jellybelly (Friday, 23 Apr 2004 22:09)
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