Okay okay okay!!! This is just about the funniest movie i have ever watched. Will Ferrell is a comic genius! if it doesnt put at least ONE smile on your face you should cut back on the plastic surgery WIll Ferrell is The Man!
>>By Olivia420 (Thursday, 25 Nov 2004 19:27)
hahah, I just saw this movie and its great!
>>By Jane (Sunday, 28 Nov 2004 04:21)
good movie, i love xmas films
>>By zeromenace (Monday, 29 Nov 2004 16:48)
This movie was sooo funny! Quite diffrent humor than old school but he is still histerical! I cannot wait for his next movie! Does anyone think it seemed like a very long time between the theatre to the home movie? Maybe they wanted to release it right before christmas.
>>By jfredricks (Wednesday, 1 Dec 2004 18:08)
i know this was a silly movie...but i laughed at the stupidist parts. i love when he eats all the crap off of the subway stairway, and the racoon part. will is quite funny. i've just gotten into his movies, and love them all.
>>By coca (Sunday, 6 Feb 2005 03:58)
This film sucked!
>>By Perplexed (Sunday, 6 Feb 2005 12:55)
how right you are what a dim attempt to come up with another comedy in the movie markets fast overcrowding heap of failures
>>By MetalBladeRecords (Thursday, 10 Feb 2005 16:14)
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