Easy Rider


Time has not treated this movie well. What a snore.

>>By mads   (Monday, 22 Sep 2003 02:02)

i like it

>>By Ronza   (Tuesday, 10 Aug 2004 19:51)

i likee too

granted, on viewing now the 'groovy' & 'far-out'
dialogue is a little goofy
but hey
it really is a time capsule of the era so i guess the language shouldn't be dissed

what is still priceless though are the scenes that were
filmed using real citizens on location shots
most notably the diner scene where after they take their seats they get an earful of abuse from the shit-kickin'
rednecks at the other end of the restaurant
i think i've heard Hopper say that scene was unscripted
they just let the cameras roll & let the crackers spew forth whatever came to mind

the acid trip in the cemetery
still has "oomph"
after all these years

>>By Helmet   (Wednesday, 11 Aug 2004 01:08)

Easy Rider has nostalgia value for me. It reminds of the era. I think Helmet is right. I seem to remember Hopper saying the restaurant scene was unscripted. I can see how it would be true. I was young then but I still remember long hair making some people angry.

>>By Mikey_Canuck   (Thursday, 12 Aug 2004 05:07)

Actually, in reference to the restaurant scene..

Before shooting, the director told everyone in the restaurant that the men who were about to come in (hopper, fonda, nicholson), had just killed a woman, or something like that. So that's where all of the people's comments came from.

>>By evenstar   (Tuesday, 5 Oct 2004 02:23)

I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen this flick 20+.
Favorite part, meeting Nicholson in jail and him sporting the old gold football helmet.

>>By V-Twin Rider   (Thursday, 6 Oct 2005 06:17)

talkin' of non-actor, good ol' boy, local inbred jeds
being used in this movie
that classic freakzoid with da massive goiter on his
(red)neck that shotguns the freewheelin' duo
i dunno
whenever i'm out on my sportster
get bad vibed by a pick-up truck tailgating or squeezing into my space
always sneek a peek at the asshole driver
check for that tell-tale goiter

>>By Helmet   (Friday, 7 Oct 2005 01:46)

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