Bruce Almighty


jim carrey is good he's GOOOd!!!

hello there strippa man

>>By Choppa   (Thursday, 4 Sep 2003 06:01)

this film woz so damn funny!
Too bad Jim Carrey isn't betta lookin

>>By Sexybitch101   (Friday, 13 Feb 2004 21:09)

All I can say about this movie is "ALLMIGHTY THEN!"

>>By Spazzmania   (Sunday, 15 Feb 2004 15:10)

not that funny but quite good...

>>By fanofsalinger   (Monday, 16 Feb 2004 03:42)

what a really bad film...lets give the powers of god to a bloke and c what he does...great sense in the film ...i can c that it is heading somewhere..theres a meaning in there somewhere apart from the obvious i think?

>>By Nickname?huh_babies   (Tuesday, 2 Mar 2004 03:23)


>>By hislop   (Saturday, 7 Aug 2004 14:16)

the Nickname? that one cannot control all we want.....and giving into whatever riding the wave is alot easier than trying to control..even what we think we want....coca

>>By coca   (Wednesday, 18 Aug 2004 17:10)

I agree, Jim Carrey is a good actor.... no dought about it....

Yeah.. It would b goo if he was nicer looking... but hey.. no-one is perfect....

Jenni x x

>>By _x_midian_x_   (Saturday, 7 May 2005 00:07)

The Saleen S7 made the film great

>>By 8drummer8   (Thursday, 12 May 2005 21:39)

a good movie, with some food for thought...........and jim is a pretty good looking guy.............

>>By coca   (Friday, 13 May 2005 00:36)

Yeah.. tell me about it.... I really think he's grweat looking...

Jenni x x

>>By _x_midian_x_   (Monday, 16 May 2005 23:59)

i dont know about good looking, but he is funny as hell and this movie showed he stil has it, but is it me or is he funnier when he is doing serious stuff like "the truman show" which i tought was a classic... he should do something like that again.

>>By zeromenace   (Thursday, 19 May 2005 13:49)

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