great movie...connects one with oneself.
>>By JAB (Monday, 9 Dec 2002 14:48)
This documentary film was excellent and touching. It is nice to see something beautiful in the world of hate
>>By Kelly (Tuesday, 10 Dec 2002 01:51)
I loved this movie, it touched my heart and I realize there is more to this world than just my problems
>>By Jason (Tuesday, 10 Dec 2002 01:52)
to make it short .. genius "movie"!!
>>By bobsen (Monday, 23 Dec 2002 13:51)
check out the ayers rock cave paintings.. anyone any ideas what they are - kinda gave me shivers.....
>>By cained (Friday, 24 Jan 2003 03:22)
A beautiful collection of images justaposed to create a meaningful and thought provoking conversation between the earth and man. The film brings us closer to understanding out tangilbe connection between earth and man than in most cases we care to recognize.
>>By Ali (Wednesday, 12 Feb 2003 22:42)
Watching the different landscapes is a great way to review for the AP Human Geography exam! I loved the imagery set to the music.
>>By EHSTEACH (Friday, 4 Apr 2003 05:22)
me encanto, la encontre muy atinada con respecto a su punto de vista de la interaccion entre el hombre y la tierra, nos muestra como cada cultura utiliza la tierra y como algunos la cuidan y como algunos la destruyen, talves sin saberlo pero al fin y al cabo destruyendola, por eso creo que deberia tener una mayor difusion, ya que es bueno captar otras realidades ademas de la propia...
>>By joaco (Wednesday, 23 Apr 2003 04:08)
chupalo conche tu madre hijo de la gran puta
>>By chupalo (Wednesday, 23 Apr 2003 04:09)
Totally Crap.... i had to make a poem on this movie... i put: Sorry Mrs.Dumbass Teacher, But this movie was too terrible to write anthropomorphism poetry on... Teacher Replies: I Didnt Want Anthropomorphism poetry i wanted a Haiku I Reply: You retard thats not what u said two minutes ago!
>>By BAM (Monday, 9 Jun 2003 04:14)
This movie was amazing- I couldn't take my eyes off it for one second. When it was over I wanted to pack up a bag and move to the middle of no where and just get away from the madness of society.
>>By bear (Thursday, 10 Jul 2003 17:43)
amazing..... couldn't take my eyes off the screen I came with a friend that saw the movie before, and she didn't tell me what's it about, and in the begining I thought - "ho god... this is going to be long" but at the end of the movie - I was smiling all the time. Loved it :))
>>By ME :) (Sunday, 13 Jul 2003 20:40)
Absolute treasure on film. I was awed. All of Peter Jackson's hard work on the Lord of the Rings trilogy does not hold a candle to the epic content of this film. It beautifully illustrates the human struggle to transcend physical reality into spirituality and the clash of industry and nature. There aren't many films in the world like this one. If you're bored of movies but like film this is an excellent piece.
>>By letgravitydecide (Thursday, 26 Aug 2004 06:56)
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