this movie was so freaky (Friday, 27 Dec 2002 06:57)
what? I still don't get it....but that moving bag was totally creepy.....
>>By huh (Monday, 6 Jan 2003 19:42)
I loved this movie. It was like having my sickest thoughts/dreams captured and shown in a film.
>>By girl (Monday, 27 Jan 2003 03:47)
veri nice adeta fantastik çok tahrik oluyoruz izlerken delicate
>>By fredi (Monday, 17 Mar 2003 14:01)
la pelicula es de lo mejor que he visto en los ultimos meses, la posibilidad de llevar al espectador a diferentes estados o emociones en buenisimo. el guion es excelente, de pronto falto presupuesto para la produccion.
>>By ani (Friday, 25 Apr 2003 21:20)
Yeah, I have to addmit, it was pretty fucked up. It started out as typical chick flick then it just twisted. She seemed sweet and innocent at the start then she went crazy. I first realized that she was scary is when i saw that bag in her house rolling. My friend kept on say "Holy shit! This is fucked up!" And i have to agree with him. There's just one thing that i didn't understand, and that is, was he dreaming all that shit?
>>By GIN (Wednesday, 2 Jul 2003 20:23)
a masterpiece....definately not for the faint hearted
>>By ak (Friday, 4 Jul 2003 10:15)
Phew...what a movie! First hour is totally misleading the watcher, but the last 50minutes is a real freakshow! This movie rocks!
>>By Chain (Monday, 28 Jul 2003 08:05)
...ding ding ding ding
>>By Isobel (Monday, 3 Oct 2005 01:02)
I felt sorry for Asami. It wasn't her fault that she is disturbed (putting it lightly!) but towards the end I didn't feel quite so sorry for her! My friend didn't understand what the spray thing she was going to use on the man's son when he caught her. I'm guessing it was mace. ^^
>>By moth_fuzz (Tuesday, 4 Oct 2005 23:45)
This movie affected me like no movie has before. Worse yet, i was scared and shocked even when watching it for the 2nd and 3rd times. The director truly knows how to capture atmosphere, and ... well ... i wish there were other movies out there that could move me so effectively, but i am afraid that audition is in a league of its own. Nothing really compares.
after seeing it the first time, i remember feeling like i had just witnessed in real live a major car accident very close by (for instance lorry unexpectedly crashing into wall 2mtrs from where you stand) or something truly shocking like that. I never had a movie put me into this kind of state of shock, and although it was awfull, it was an experience i value very much. sort of like riding a gigantic very dangerous rollercoaster and afterwards being happy you are still alive.
>>By Pinball_wizard (Sunday, 8 Oct 2006 00:38)
it is one hell of a sick film. i can't really decide if i like it or not. it's well-made and suspenseful, definitely, but i thought maybe the violence was *too* shocking and horrible.
>>By Flagg (Wednesday, 11 Oct 2006 21:31)
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