Almost Famous
This movie was GREAT!!.I've seen it sooo many times. The best part was in the plane. Any one out there seen this one?????coca
>>By coca (Thursday, 15 Apr 2004 08:15)
I can not believe noone has written in about this sad..coca, again
>>By coca (Wednesday, 21 Apr 2004 05:07)
Yeah it Is pretty sad! It is a really great movie - I wanna be Penny Lane!
>>By mebaroo (Thursday, 22 Apr 2004 12:18)
This was a good movie. Isn't it partly based on a true story? Some of the characters in the movie were actually real life (ex. Cameron Crowe, Ben Fong-Torres, groupies, etc. ) I don't know if the band was based on an actual seventies group or not. It seemed like a bastardization of a lot of different bands into one.
>>By fwues (Thursday, 22 Apr 2004 21:11)
Well, Mr. Cameron Crowe has said that the character played by Billy Crudup (forgot the character's name), y'know, the guitar player who gets all the attention. Well, anyway, he's based very closely on Glenn Frey of the Eagles. And, yeah, it is kind of a "based on a true story, but not really" kind of thing. Like Primary Colors or 8 Mile. Anywho, great movie that made me want to be a rock journalist, though I'm sure that'll never happen.
>>By The Walrus (Friday, 23 Apr 2004 16:48)
Yup-- You know, the character that Philip Seymour Hoffman plays is Lester Bangs, who of course, was a famous seventies rock journalist in real life. The part about him sort-of mentoring William is a fabrication -I'm sure. I doubt Crowe ever knew Lester Bangs or talked to him on the phone back then. ...whateva ...what do you guys think?
>>By fwues (Sunday, 25 Apr 2004 21:04)
I love this movie, is one of my "icon" movies...its great...
Like many others...I would like to be Penny Lane...but the character of Williams sister...Anita Miller is ausumm....because she believes and fights back...its a very good example between Penny Lane that lives the dream...some how away from reality, and Anita, that lives in reality trying to get a little bit closer to her dreams...
Of course Russell Hammond is the best....the "Im a golden god..." scene is outreagous...I would have like the character played by Noah Taylor to have more... I dont know, more story? participation? because he is a very good actor (have seen "flirting", "shine") and he gave his character that tired, practical nice.
"Still water" is a hibrid, of course, has a lot of everything, but the coolest thing is the music written for them..."Fever Dog" is cool, no one could say it was written on 1999....its in the soundtrack, listen to it...very nice.
>>By patriciatess (Monday, 26 Apr 2004 08:03)
It was nice movie. My almost all friends was watching his too. Funny, catching at heart :)
>>By Eliene (Monday, 26 Apr 2004 11:50)
I love this movie! i think Kate Hudson is excellent in her role and im not easy to please! my favourite scene (probably not everyone's choice) is when Penny Lane overdoses and is havin her stomach pumped and the guy, dammit i cant remember his name.........the little journalist guy, is like in awe of her beauty and in love with her. i just love that part, and of course, the Airplane scene is hilarious! It had to be such an outrgeous life style, bein in a Rock Band, late 70's. i think it's great that a good movie is out there that portrays this kind of lifestyle and does the era justice!
>>By Too Smart for a nickname (Saturday, 22 May 2004 12:07)
Good movie
>>By ftad (Saturday, 22 May 2004 17:11)
If you like the movie -- then -- go get the: "Almost Famous Untitled - The Bootleg Cut (Director's Edition)" Its worth the money!
>>By JrzyGirl (Sunday, 30 May 2004 21:32)
I loved the movie, they were all were kick ass, I havent seen it for a long time but i remember it. i would of done him in a second
>>By VampGirl (Friday, 18 Jun 2004 03:46)
your ora is purple
>>By Billy Pilgrim (Friday, 18 Jun 2004 07:22)
I LOVE this movie. It's everyone's Rock n Roll fantasy to go on tour with a band and just be a part of it. Would love to be in Penny Lane's shoes.
Just love it, I never get bored. Can't wait to buy the special edition.
"You're too sweet for rock n roll"
"Isn't it funny? The truth just sounds different."
>>By Rane (Monday, 5 Apr 2010 23:32)
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