has anyone here witnessed the great 'AKIRA'? It's one of the greatest films ever.Fans of films like Donnie Darko will love it.You'll still be trying to make sense of it when your really old...unless you are really old...in which case you should have watched it when you were really young...but it wouldn't have been out then...hmmm...ok I'm done.
>>By endless_nameless (Monday, 2 Feb 2004 04:07)
Akira and Darko...seen both and they just mess with the mind...too abstract
>>By Mahli (Monday, 2 Feb 2004 06:00)
Katsuhiro Ôtomo's AKIRA is by far the best Japanese hentai anime out there. other noteworthy anime would be Ghost in the Shell, Vampire Hunter D
>>By Acha (Tuesday, 10 Feb 2004 22:54)
I've only seen a few anime films but I love them!I seen Legend of the overfiend (I think that's what it's called) and it blew my mind,I also seen Perfect Blue it was also amazing-the music in that film really creates a pretty daunting atmosphere...it's best watched when you're stoned though :) My favourite bit in AKIRA is when Tetsuo's powers get out of control and he starts turning into the huge blob and envelopes everything,man that's cool. which reminds me,I gotta download the cool music during the motorbike scene-seeya!
>>By endless_nameless (Wednesday, 11 Feb 2004 00:55)
OK AKIRA isn't hentai, it's just first-class anime from a non self-conscious & brilliant writer/director named Katsuhiro Ôtomo. :) yo! BTW The main characters Kaneda and Tatsui will be whirling in my head 4ever. ;)
>>By Acha (Friday, 13 Feb 2004 20:43)
i have downloaded the original Japanese soundtrack. the cool music during the motorbike scene is the 1st track and is called 'Kaneda', if that helps, nameless ;)
>>By Acha (Wednesday, 31 Mar 2004 21:44)
whats hentai?
>>By scouser_tommy (Tuesday, 14 Dec 2004 15:55)
The english voice acting in the newer version of akira really made the film. The best scene in the film comes from this, after tetsuo has stolen kaneda's bike and starts crying, just before he gets the headache.
>>By scouser_tommy (Tuesday, 14 Dec 2004 15:58)
Hentai is anime porn I think. Akira is just anime. And Akira is great, not as good as Vampire Hunter D.
>>By Flagg (Tuesday, 14 Dec 2004 21:02)
parralel existance entwined with the syntax of pure geist
>>By LINZ OF ASTRA (Tuesday, 14 Dec 2004 22:10)
If thats what hentai is then hentai has given all anime a bad name. All i see nowadays in comic book stores is anime porn films. its shite.
>>By scouser_tommy (Wednesday, 15 Dec 2004 14:10)
Akira.......simply the most trippy anime i've ever seen.........best seen on mushrooms
>>By Machine_of_Undertow (Wednesday, 15 Dec 2004 20:02)
An.......... interesting anime. I enjoyed it, though I didnt quite grasp the ending.
Those above comparing Donnie Darko to Akira~ I don't see the similarities... I did however understand the ending to Donnie Darko...
>>By bagelboy13 (Monday, 27 Dec 2004 06:05)
akira is one of the greatest works in movie history so far (in my humble opinion) but the comics (it counts about 3000 pages) ist much better. the movie is to short to hold the whole thing.
you should get into other works of otomo. like memories & domu. i have tatooed akira on my back :D
>>By Audio (Wednesday, 18 May 2005 00:00)
But the film is too long as a film I think
>>By Flagg (Wednesday, 18 May 2005 00:09)
Such an amazing movie, particularly the motorbike chase at the beginning, and the lights of the skyscrapers, waaaaaa
>>By Springbok86 (Monday, 21 Nov 2005 00:35)
Its about the little people being oppressed even though they hold the power and fighting back it really is about symobolism.
>>By stonemade (Tuesday, 22 Nov 2011 04:49)
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