

Very disappointed in Tom Cruise's latest. For an action film, I almost went to sleep during part of it - acting contrived, script awful.

>>By past   (Saturday, 11 Sep 2004 06:33)

I really thought Jamie Fox was awsome, I have new respect for him as an actor, and im definently looking forward to him in the coming up ray charles flick.

>>By o2basco   (Monday, 13 Sep 2004 05:34)

Yes, not Cruise's best. But a better than average movie. Unlike a lot of profressional film reviewers, I went into this movie not knowing much about it, except it had Tom, and was a thriller. Didn't know Michael Mann directed it, so wasn't expecting his style of movie.

So anyway, it was gritty and suspenseful. But by the end I realised Vincent was just a paid killer who was hired by some kingpin, to take out the lawyer and suspects who up against the the kingpin's interests. I was thinking (perhaps even hoping) that there was real purpose for all this killing that transcended mercenary services. Because part way through, Vincent was talking about death as if something insigificant (comparing the Rwandan genocide). And other stuff.

Some of the dialogue seemed contrived. Beginning from the opening scene where Max too smoothly chats up the lawyer. And various bits later. But there were also some very funny moments (e.g. talking to the cab owner re being late and the smashed windscreen; & when they meet Max's mum), and also other darkly comedic moments.

Some plot points seemed silly. Why didn't Vincent kill Max and get a new cab driver? (even Max asked why he didn't -- can't remember Vin's response, but it didn't seem satisfactory). Why did Peter Lim just sit in that seat in the nightclub the whole time while there was gunfire and commotion everywhere, like a sitting duck for Vincent to shoot?

The lawyer being the last victim was unpleasantly coincidental. And the final "shootout" was kinda anticlimactic.

This movie gets points for style, (1/2 points for dialogue -- due to some humerous conversations), but not for the best of stories.

>>By ftad   (Wednesday, 27 Oct 2004 19:36)

i agree with the general idea - not the best action movie, looks like done in a hurry, just to release it on time.

>>By remez   (Monday, 1 Nov 2004 09:47)

I liked this movie a lot. Good music. Kinda zen like plot. Max seems to turn into Vincent when he's on the spot in front of Felix.

>>By Hal   (Saturday, 21 Oct 2006 21:26)

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